Chapter 25 - Small Progress

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Chapter 25 - Small Progress

['Keep close what you value, because if it slips away you'll only have yourself to blame...']

I stormed into my room, slamming the door behind me. My emotions were in a turmoil and I was glad that no-one had followed me up.

I wanted to call Stacey but I knew that if I did I'd let my secret slip and I couldn't afford that. There was no other choice but to bare this alone.

Not ten minutes later, Adrian knocked on the door. Reluctantly, I opened it several minutes later (don't ask me why), but by then he'd gone. There was a note left on the floor. I picked it up.

Meet me in the drawing room in three hours, it read.

Something within me wanted to throw it away; burn it, but another part of me wanted to go and find out what he wanted. After everything, I still cared for Adrian - our being Destined meant that I could never escape that. It was both a gift and a curse.

Seeing as I was going to be the mother of his child I knew I had more of a duty to make this work for the sake of our child, which really left me with one choice.

I got ready.

Two hours and forty five minutes later I was finishing tidying my hair when there was another knock on the door.

I opened it to see a young maid stood there holding what looked like a silk blindfold. It matched my red blouse perfectly. 'Can I help you?' I asked her as I eyed the material dubiously.

The girl blushed. 'I've been asked to lead you to the drawing room to Master Frazer.' When I pointedly looked at the blindfold again she blushed a deeper red. 'It's... meant to be a surprise.'

I instantly nodded my head in understanding and let her in. Ten minutes later, I was being guided into the drawing room by the same young maid who had knocked at my door.

She sat me down on a seat and left, leaving me to wait for further instructions. Or for Adrian.

The room was empty, that much I knew.

'You can take your blindfold off now.' Adrian whispered against my neck, causing me to jump. Heart  pounding, I did as he said and pulled the scrap of material away from my eyes.

When I looked around a hand flew to my mouth.

The room was dimly lit by various cream coloured candles which were scented, and the table was decorated with various bits of food that I adored -- including a tray of Kit Kat's.

My mouth watered.

But that wasn't all. In front of me stood a massive canvas and painted on it was a picture of me riding my old horse, Crystal and painted on the wall opposite was a snapshot of me dancing alone.

They both looked stunning.

'Wow...' I turned to see Adrian watching me intently.

'Do you like them?' He asked me.

I nodded. 'Did you paint these?' I gestured to the two paintings in front of me and towards the other paintings around the room.

He gave a small nod, a shy smile twitching his lips. He pointed to the smaller painting on the wall. 'The first one I did a while ago,' his gaze looked far away as he regarded his own work. 'When I saw you dancing so beautifully that one time, I just knew I had to paint you.'

His heavy gaze landed on me. 'And it was the best thing I've ever done.'

I looked back up at the painting which hung on the wall. In the picture my arms were thrown up and my head was thrown back, causing my long hair to trail down towards the floor like a silky black curtain.

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