Chapter 2 - The not so charming Prince

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Dedicated to katrocks247 my favourite author on here and who is a true inspiration. I don't normally do this at all, but if you check out her works you really won't regret it. I know you probably won't read this katrocks247 but if you do, then : hey! XD

Chapter 2 - The not so charming Prince


I paused in my hasty retreat and turned to face the maid inquiringly. "Yes?"

The fifty- year-old woman clutched at her chest and panted slightly. "It's time to get ready for the ball, dear."

I looked at the woman again as she wheezed and gasped for breath before reluctantly following her to my room.

When we entered my overly large bedroom which was covered in lush red and burgundy items of all shades, I hesitantly stepped onto the stall which was centred in the middle of the room.

It wasn't even midday and already maids were scurrying back and forth bringing in all sorts of dress materials that ranged from every colour.

I noticed a particularly young maid with dark, shoulder-length brunette hair carrying a black ball gown. I placed my hand on her arm. "What's your name?" I asked her.

She looked up at me with her pretty green eyes and blushed slightly. "Eva," she replied. "Eva Alias."

I nodded. The Alias family were particualrly loyal towards our royal family and had been working for us for centuries. I let another young maid pull my long, even darker burgundy hair up and gave Eva an affectionate pat. "Welcome to our home." I said. The young girl smiled again and bowed before carrying on with her errand.

I yawned. I was being placed in all sorts of dresses to have them refitted and sized and although most of them were beautiful none of them had really caught my eye. I gazed at myself in the mirror with a squeal half an hour later, when I found myself placed in a gorgeous silky purple gown that clung to my slim body in all the right places and had an off the shoulder sleeve.

The bodice was heart-shaped and dipped in between my breasts somehow emphasisng their petite size to make them appear larger. The bodice was heavily sequined and of course was heavily sown with delicate crystals that reflected and bounced the light emitting from the chandelier perfectly.

I noticed the maids had also tied my hair into an elegant knot which rested against my exposed left shoulder which left the creamy flesh on the right hand side of my neck on display. The piece de-resistance was when a heavy  necklace was placed around my neck - its delicate crystals matching those found on my dress.

That, combined with the purple- crystalled heals transformed my beauty into something mind-blowing that shocked even me. There was a respectful silence which filled the room as I admired myself for a little longer. "This one." I said firmly, before stepping out of my heels. I could almost have mistaken it, but suddenly the thought of the ball didn't seem quite so bad after all. I quickly shut the thought off.


Intricate classical music filled my ears as I headed towards the ballroom along with many of the guests. Being hidden in the throng enabled me to elude my cooing mother, Indianna Valentino, who stood elegantly by the ball doors with a glass of wine in her hands greeting the guests.

When it was my turn to walk past, I expertly ducked my head and avoided her gaze until I was safely inside and headed straight towards the buffet table.

There I saw many of the human female maids wearing matching short, silk red dresses handing glasses of blood to the guests. Eva was also there, I realised. I gave her a small smile before hurrying to sit down in the far corner.

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