Chapter 7 - Lusty Encounter

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Please listen to the song mentioned at the end of the chapter whilst reading that particular scene - it will make the whole thing seem much more epic XD - Gemini, 'Crew Love.'

Chapter 7~ Lusty Encounter

Carlos was touching me, pressing me up against the wall. His touch was soft in a way that he was gripping me hard enough so that I wouldn't fall, but soft enough that he wouldn't hurt me.

He looked down into my eyes as he traced his fingers along my jaw causing me to ache and shiver in a way that I never had done so before. 'You're beautiful,' he breathed, his minty cool breath fanning against my face. His other hand inched closer towards the precious centre of my body and my legs trembled with excitement.

'Absolutely beautiful,' he breathed again as he touched me down there. I squealed out in joy as his mouth crashed heavily against mine. He kept rubbing and touching until he suddenly pulled away from my mouth and lowered his face until he did the unthinkable and pressed his lips against my sensitive flesh. My body bucked and I whimpered in delight as his mouth touched and licked the most sensitive part of my body. The pressure soon built up until there was nothing else I could think about and my mouth screamed out his name...

I woke up suddenly, gasping for air.

The covers were thrown from my body and sweat was dripping from my neck and back, soaking my nightgown. Shivering from the sudden cold, I pulled the sheets up higher until they reached my chin, and shakily closed my eyes.

Vampires sometimes had special abilities - we could do things that humans could never dream of.

When I was young for example, I used to be able to see through the viewpoint of someone else in my dreams, though that someone would always be awake. I knew this because I often used to be able to describe meetings of which my father had attended whilst I was asleep, and I was almost able to recall word for word what had been said. I couldn't have possibly have been awake as I was only two or three at the time and my mother had sometimes been with me in the bed that I'd slept in.

Gradually, they became less frequent as I got older, but I knew without a doubt that what I had just experienced was something which was currently going on through the eyes of my maid, Eva Alias. She was with Carlos right now and that was something that made me sick to even think about - to the point where I would throw up if I shifted from my bed.

He'd told her she was beautiful, and the way he'd held her and looked at her with so much tenderness in his eyes was something that I couldn't bear to remember. Somehow I doubted that the player we all knew and heard of, made a habit out of what he was now doing to Eva - which had seemed just too intimate. I recalled the way he'd held her throbbing flesh in particular, my mind in complete agony.

The images kept flashing to my head; invading my personal space, and I had enough time to make it to the toilet before I threw up the contents of my meal. When it was over I washed my face thoroughly and brushed my teeth before slumping miserably against my bath tub.

I had a lot of material things - more than most, in fact. Yet the one thing that I so desperately wanted, clearly I couldn't have. I cursed both myself for being attracted to him, and Carlos for being so damn irresistible in the first place. It was all his fault.

All I knew was that judging by the way I'd reacted to that shocking experience, what I felt for Carlos was obviously a lot stronger than I'd originally thought.

Placing my head in my hands, I closed my eyes and let the bitter tears fall.

I was in so, so much trouble.

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