Chapter 54: See you again

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In the rain stood a young girl, tall, long blonde hair, in funeral attire as she stood in front of a tomb marked with the name "Park Jimin" on it.

- "Everyone's already gone Lisa" -Jennie said as she was a few steps away from the girl accompanied by her friends who were looking at Lisa with a sad little smile.

- "I know ... Can you give me a little time please? During the funeral I couldn't express myself openly since there were a lot of people. I would like to say something to him?  something I wanted to tell him for so long "-Lisa said so they looked at each other before nodding.

- "See ya my friend!"  -Jeongyeon said while looking at Jimin's tomb and walked away with the others while Jennie was still standing there looking at Lisa.

- "Jennie! Are you coming?"  - Her sister called her.

- "I'm coming" -Jennie answered then looked at Lisa one last time before joining the others.

Lisa followed them with her eyes before sighing and then crouched in front of the tomb while placing a flower just in front of it.  She smiled weakly and then traced her best friend's name inscribed on the tomb with her hand.

- "You know ..." - She started.  - "When we met for the first time, I always found you very boring when you were always glued to me, you always did stupid things and you never stopped talking, a real pain in the ass haha ​​...   but as I always hung out with you, little by little it didn't bother me so much, I even found you very funny and cool I admit it! "

- "with the others we did a lot of things, we had a lot of fun. We even went on a trip together, something I never thought I would do but I did it anyway and it was one of the most amazing trips of my life, even though I got beaten up and wounded but it was still good. We celebrated Sana's birthday and I also got to ask Jennie to  become my girlfriend and it was all thanks to all of you! Haha ... I still remember when you passed out when your favorite 'ship' came true! You really are just an idiot "

Lisa laughed a little while shaking her head then sighed before continuing.

- "During this trip, I also uncovered your secret. I never thought that you carried such a heavy burden on your shoulders, you were in pain and it was obvious but fortunately a good punch from me got you to open your eyes !! now i understand how you must have felt because i got the same blow but this time from jennie !! man i was so surprised when she gave me a  big punch in my face !! "  -Lisa said smiling but that smile gradually changed as she spoke, Lisa bit her lip preventing the tears from falling as she tried somehow to speak.  - "I told you that day that it was necessary to advance at least for your bestfriend who had sacrificed his life for you and that it was surely a great honor for him to have done so and that it would be an insult to wanting to commit suicide when someone had to sacrifice their life to save you. I said these words to you but I couldn't even respect them, I wanted to end my life, I was weak.  .. I'm sorry Jimin "

Lisa let out a breath regaining her composure then smiled again

- "I'm really stupid, aren't I? I wonder what you found cool in someone like me. I was just a selfish rotten, worthless bitch and above all nasty, a real calamity,  an unparalleled catastrophe but you still approached me anyway, you still stayed close to me, you never left me behind "-Lisa stood up then bowed.  - "I thank you for supporting the person I was ..... I .... I thank you for having been my best friend despite my horrible character. For me you were, you are and you will always be the best and also sorry... for not have been able to tell you all of this when you were still there"

Lisa straightened up and took a deep breath.

- "from today I will follow your example and become a better person. For Jennie, My family and the others. Watch me do it, I will succeed and I will come to see you with the biggest triumphant smiles  ... I'll tell you everything I've done, I'll even boast! Haha ... So ... I hope you will be proud of me that day "-Lisa then caressed Jimin's tomb.  - "on that .... I'll see you soon my friend !!"

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