Chapter 1: The devil himself

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If you ask me what is life... then I'd answer you, life is boring. Doing the same thing everyday, waking up, getting prepared, going to school, listenning to your boring teacher, getting lunch, studying again, waiting for the bell to ring then leave, going home, doing homework then sleeping when you had finished all the thing you had to do for the day. Bullshits.... It's all bullshits! If you tell me it's normal in everyone's life and that it's just the base of living... then fuck off, I don't want to hear more. That's not what I want to experiences.

At the age of 10, I already thought that this world isn't worth it. Living like a robot for life. So to spicy it up a bit, I started this habit of mine, I started ruinning other's life. It's fun... Call me a freak but seeing them begging for me to stop build this strange feeling inside me. What is it? Power... yes, I have the power to make them suffer, to make them kneel infront of me. It's good... It makes me feel more like human. I'm a powerfull woman so they have to respect me. That's it! They don't have the right to tell me what to do. That's how my definition of life is.... now for me life is only me. Life is what i want it to be.

-"i heard you bullied a student again yesterday" -My father raised his eyebrown at me, Marco Manoban multi billionaire bussinessman, owner of three famous companies and the owner of the school I study in, is my father. Am I lucky? Well no... not really.

-"it's not your bussiness" -I answered coldly which made him sigh.

-"you know it is Lisa, I'm your father" -he firmly said but I don't give a shit. Do you want to know where I am?
Well... I'm in his office, standing infront of his desk while he is sitting on his huge chair behind it. He called me earlier to have a talk with me, I knew to the very start that he wanted to talk about that. Yesterday I punched that poor guy just because he bumped into me while he was in hurry to join his class since he was late, he didn't even reach his class because I sent him to the clinic just with two little punch, tch... so weak.

-"stop bullying students like that Lisa" -he used his intimidating voice but it doesn't work with me. I gave him a challenging look.

-"you can't stop me Mr.Manoban, this is how I want to live my life and sadly you are not part of it so shut your mouth" -I can see my father's vein pooping out but I don't care... it's my life, I do what I want to do.

-"don't make me lose my patiente with you Lisa, I know why you're acting like that. Do you want your mother to see you growing up like this? " -tch... he is using that excuse again... I'm so sick of it.

-"she is not part of my life too and I already told you, she is not the reason why i'm acting like that, It's my own decision. I don't care about someone who already left" -My father slammed the desk with his hand but I didn't flinch and before he was about to say something else, I cutted him off.

-"now if you let me, I'll go, I'm currently late for school" -I bowed not letting him say anything then left without saying goodbye.

I went out his office and immediatly headed to the garage. I'm driving myself to school since I don't want any driver. I have three cars, a red ferrari which my father gave me when I turned 18. A white Bentley Continental GT that I had for my last birthday and my favorite, a black luxurious lamborghini that Seulgi gave me. I'm such a spoiled brat, i know...

I choose to take the red ferrari then I drove my way to school. When i arrived all the students stopped their bussiness to look at me. Tch... can't they fucking mind their own bussiness?

-"what the fuck are you looking at?" -i asked out loud then they turned their head scared to meet my gaze. I smirked and made my way to my class.

While walking the students made way for me to pass because they know if they bump me even if it's an accident I'll surely beat the hell out of them. It's bad from me but I like it.

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