chapter 10: Friends

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-"hey Lisa! We passed by to check on you because Jennie insisted!" -Jisoo commented hearing a slap from Jennie. Lisa slowly walked toward them confused while Jennie was watching her every movements. Finally Lisa arrived infront crossing her arms glaring at the trio.

-"what are you three doing inside my house?" -she asked coldly but none of the girl got scared, Chaeyoung is smiling from ear to ear, Jisoo is not looking at her and was kinda bored while Jennie was just used to this kind of Lisa Manoban. Lisa massaged the bridge of her nose then sighed.

-"we just wanted to see if you are fine since you didn't attend class" -Jennie finally spoke answering Lisa's question.

-"I'm fine, now go out!" -lisa pointed at the door.

-"seriously? We waited here for like 1 hour and you are acting like that when we are worried about you?" -Jisoo asked in disbelief. Lisa was surprised by her words.

Lisa's Pov

-" care for me?"

-"of course! Why would we waste our time for someone we don't care about...aissh you are complicating things Manoban, have you eaten? " -Jisoo asked while ruffling her hair. She was acting like an older sister and I found it funny. I shook my head and Jisoo threw a pillow into my direction.

-"yah! Why haven't you eaten yet?" -she scolded me. I threw it back at her face but she dodged it.

-"let's cook something then" -Chaeyoung cheerfully said clapping her hands like a kid.

-"yeah! Good idea, I'll just wait for you there!" -and another pillow landed on my face.

-"you are going to cook with us, don't be such a spoiled brat!" -Jennie crossed her arms piercing me with her glare. I shook my head, hell! I'm not going to cook, never! I never did before and it's not going to start today.

-"don't tell me you don't know how to cook!" -Jisoo smirked.

-"Yes I don't know so what? And I didn't allow you to use my kitchen anyways!"

-"but your father let us!" -jennie pointed out. What?

-"h-how..." -I frowned, since when were they close to my father? Jennie noticed my confusion so she explained. -"your father talked to my father one day after the dinner we had with your cousin. They talked about something that I don't know about and he asked for me over the phone then we talked"

-"why would he talk to you?" -it's more confusing now but then i remember... was he really serious about that? I didn't really mind it after because i thought i was wrong but guess not... I think he is really planning on engaging me with Jennie. Of course I'm not dumb to not understand that. He clearly saw how me and Jennie interracted during the dinner,if he want to take control over me then he need to use Jennie for that. I'm not going to let him.

-"I don't know... but anyways move your body and let's cook something! What do you want?"

-"anything just don't burn my kitchen!"

-"of course, you maybe don't know but you have infront of you the best chef in the city! Aka Jendeuk Ramsay!" -Jisoo said that made Jennie blush, she hid her face with her hair hiding her blush. I found it cute.

-"Let's make kimchi fried rice! I really want to eat some!" -Chaeyoung clapped her hands while jumping excitedly around the couch. She is also cute but not as cute as Jennie.
Why, why  why... why again am I saying that? Aishhhhh.... something is not right inside my head. First I let them barge in my house then I let them cook in my kitchen and then they are acting like we know each other for a decade when we just met yesterday!!!

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