chapter 6: sorry seulgi

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Please someone save me from here, what is she doing here? I hate her... Again, what the fuck is she doing here?

-"So Jennie?" -My father asked her. She stopped talking to the girl beside her then gave her full attention to him.

-"yes, Mr.Manoban?"

-"Are you single?" -i chocked on my drink... what kind of question is that?

-"W-what?" -she asked confusingly which I understand.

-"sorry, It's a bit rude of me... I was just curious" -Jennie sighed in relief.

-"no I am not taken by anyone, I still want to focus on my studies first" -She sincerely answered and my father nodded.

-"are you and Lisa friends?"

-"NO!" -we answered together. We exchanged looks then she looked away.

-"tch... I'm not friend with anyone!" -i scoffed while crossing my arms.

-"Because you're mean" -She whispered but I managed to hear it.

-"what did you say?" -I raised my eyebrow but she innocently smiled at me.

-"nothing!" -we glared at each other for a moment but my father interrupted us.

-"Does your family have a company?" -why so curious? Tch....

-"hum... Yeah, My father own multiple hotels around the world"

-"that's great..." -He nodded -"Tell me... what's your relation with my daughter"

Jennie Smiled awkwardly then turned to me for help but I just smirked. Let's see how you will handle it Rubyjane.

-"well... How to tell it, We are somehow close? I'm assigned to look after her"

-"yah! Don't say it as if I'm a pet!" -I groaned but she rolled her eyes.

-"i didn't mention something like that!" -she looked at me annoyed. Tch.... I just stayed quiet. I looked at my father and saw him smirking at the both of us... eh?

-"I wish to have a daughter in law like you Jennie" -My father said out of nowhere. Jennie is now a blushing mess and me? I'm just staying quiet... what? Daughter in law..... Why so sudden.... BITCH NO! I KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS IN HIS MIND!!!

-"anyways..." -My uncle. Seulgi's father stood up. Oh... I almost forgot about my real intention. I'm going to save Seulgi first then myself.

-"as you know I'm getting old as day goes on so i think it's time for my daughter Seulgi to take the lead of the company" -He proudly said and looked at his daughter but Seulgi just kept quiet on her seat.

-"but as much as I want it to happen, we can't... Seulgi is still young to take all the responsabilities. Not only that but the company need more influence in the world so we found one solution that can resolve these two problems. We as The Bae family and our family decided to make an alliance" -He stopped then took a deep breath. -"My daughter Seulgi will marry the only daughter of the Bae family Bae joohyun" -He clapped his hands following by the others except for me and Seulgi. Wait so the girl Bae joohyun agreed to it? Well...

-"hey" -I called out gaining their attention. -"never knew you would sell your own daughter"

-"you are mistaken Lisa, I'm not selling her, it's for the company and her happiness, I know she will be happy with the Bae's daughter" -He narrowed his eyes to Seulgi, telling her to agree. Seulgi just smiled awkwardly scratching her head. I rolled my eyes then stood up.

-"slowly but deeply leading her to your trap. What if not? You don't know much about this girl Bae joohyun! What if she is a bitch? You don't know so I'm not letting my stupid cousin marry her!" -i point my finger at the girl while looking at my uncle. My father facepalmed himself and shook his head. I smirked but it faded out soon when someone grab my finger then bit it.

-"WHAT THE FUCK--" -I stopped in the middle of my swearing when i saw who it was. Jennie fucking Kim again.

-"don't you dare insult my unnie!" -jennie yelled at my face.

-"calm down Jennie" -The main girl, Bae joohyun finally spoke, she reached for Jennie's hand trying to make her seat because yeah she is now beside me when earlier she was infront calmly eating her meal.

-"i can't unnie! She just insulted you and even pointed her finger at you"

-"well Rubyjane..." -she cutted me off again. -"don't call me that!"

-"why? I find it sexy!" -i grinned and lowered my head toward hers, our face only inch apart but she didn't flinch. Hard headed girl indeed ... I like it.

-"have some respect Lalisa Manoban! You are embarrasing your familly as if you don't care at all... wait... i forgot you are Lalisa Manoban, you naturally don't care" -she massaged her temple and I nod amused by her. I didn't notice I was smiling while looking at her.

-"anyways! Say sorry!" -she commanded.

-"why would I? I'm defending my cousin from their craziness! Seulgi doesn't deserve this kind of life. She deserve to be free" -I said crossing my arms.

-"she is an adult already! She is the one who can decide on what she wants to do, let her decide first!" -i shook my head in a no.

-"i already know she doesn't want, no wonder why i am here today. I would never attend this kind of dinner if not because of my cousin's sake!" -i pointed out. She sighed in disbelief. Our little argument stopped when Mr.Bae cleared his throat.

-"sorry to interrupt but may I really know who are you to decide on what's right for her? You are not her mother" -He said calmly. I can see my father tensing up on his seat. He know... he know very well where is this going.

-"i'm better than her mother who just want to gain money for the sake of herself, she doesn't even care if her daughter like this marriage thing or not" -I said glaring at Seulgi's mother. It's true tho... I once saw her flirting with a rich man althought she is already married.

-"Stop it now Lisa" -my father sent me a pleading look but i don't mind him. I was about to say something but someone dragged me out.

-"you are coming with me!" -jennie held my hand walking away from them, i saw Seulgi sending me an alarmed look so I harshly removed my hand from hers almost making her lose her balance. She looked at me shocked, it's the first I acted harsh toward her... I wanted to apologize but she backed away little by little then ran away... YOU FUCKED UP MANOBAN!!!!

I looked back at Seulgi then to where Jennie went. What should I do??? I...aisshhhhhh.... I'm sorry Seulgi.

I ran after Jennie.

Sorry for updating just by now!!!!!

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