chapter 11: great day gone wrong

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How can i describe it? Well it's a new experience! Today is a new day... not really because I am still me. What's changing the day is that I'll try to communicate with others. I said I'll try okay? The problem is that I've been a bully since kindergarden that it's now the real me. I just can't pass a day without atleast yelling at someone. Well now... let's start! Yay! Fuck I sound so unenthusiastic.

-"goodmorning Mr.Nim. it's beautiful today isn't it?" -i asked my personnal butler smiling brightly. He looked surprised as hell, at the moment I swear he would look at me from head to toe.

-"are you sick, young master?" -my smile immediatly dropped. -"is it that weird?"

-"what?" -he asked confused. I sighed lowering my head while pouting then walked down the stairs, he followed me to the dining room where a lot of foods are already placed. Okay... let's try again. I turned to the chef who is standing in the corner with three more maids beside him, he noticed my gaze and now he is sweating a lot.... Am I that freaking scary??? Oh my god.

-"is there a problem young master?" -he finally asked and i nodded making him more nervous.

-"yeah, how come i never thanked you for your wondeful work? Your food is awesome!" -i smiled at him then all the maids along with my butler turned to me while frowing. The chef looked surprised too.

-"r-really? T-thank you young master!" -he bowed multiple times and I mentioned him to stop so he did.

-"are you sure you are okay young master? Maybe I should call the doctor to check up on you!" -mr.Nim asked worried.

-"why would I need a doctor?" -i asked irritated.

-"well everyday, instead of praising the chef, you immediatly throw the plate through the window and complain on how bad it is" -every words that he said were like knife stabbing my body. Am i that bad?

-"w-well today...I'm in a good mood!" -i smiled and one of the maid squealed like a fangirl. Mr.Nim smiled in return. -"you should smile more young master"

I just ignored him and ate my meal. It's not that bad to be honest.... hope the day will go well. I hope!

When I arrived at the school's parking lot, i went out from my car then inhaled deeply. I cleared my throath and decided to finally start the day. STEP ONE interacting with students to let them put their trust on you!
I looked around and found a group of girls talking loudly, i decided to walk up to them.

-"hey!" -i greeted and when they turned their head to see me I swear i saw their soul leaving their body. I tittled my head to the side curious about their reaction, they didn't speak but just stayed there looking at me with fear. It's more difficult than I thought.

-"I just wanted to greet you girls! Don't be scared okay?" -I smiled sweetly at them but still they didn't say anything, what changed is that, their body stopped from shaking and now they were blushing. Well... i can't stay here any longer.

-"so i'm going now okay? see you later!" -I waved at them while walking ahead. I arrived at my locker then took all the books that I needed for the first period but I noticed someone looking at me, he seems familiar, Have I seen him before?

-"what are you looking at?" -someone said behind me. And i know who it was by her voice.

-"nothing. Goodmorning Jennie!" -i smiled at her and she blushed.

-"you seem to be in a good mood, what happened?" -she asked. So cute.

-"i just wanted to try something new today! You know new experience!"

-"it's weird" -another person spoke. Guess who? Of course Jisoo.

-"I saw a group of girls earlier, fangirling about how cute you are and how charming your smile is" -Jisoo rolled her eyes but laughed afterwards.

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