Chapter 15: Another deal

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Jisoo's POV

I am currently sitting on my desk doing my homeworks even thought I am pretty lazy about it. I look at the clock and it's past six yet Jennie didn't arrive at home, what is she doing? I hope Lisa didn't take advantage of her. That stupid bully...

I do not hate Lisa but I don't like her either, I don't understand her pretty much, Jennie once told me about Lisa's thought about bullying...She likes it. That's what she say, why? Why would you be happy to see someone in pain? Or maybe she is a maniac? I don't know but for sure, I don't want Jennie to get too close to her, you know what I mean.... I'm afraid that she will get hurt soon, not physically but emotionally...I am not blind, my sister have a feeling for her and I hope it's not that deep.

For me, being friend with Lisa isn't impossible. I saw that during our little interraction these past few days. She just need to open up a little and stop being so aggressive. Maybe I would let her court my sister oversize I will never agree....

My thought got cutted off when I heard my Parents voice downstair. Oh they are already here! Cool! It's been long since they came home this earlier.

-"Jisoo! Come downstair! We have something to tell you!" -My father called me.

-"Yes! I am coming!" -i shouted then placed all my notebooks on the side so I can finish them later. I stood up from my chair then walk outside. When I arrived in the living room. They were sitting on our luxurious couch while calmly talking to each other.

-"good evening my Daughter!" -my father greet me when he finally noticed me. I walk up to him and gave him a high five then I hugged my mother and kiss her cheeks. What I like about my parents is that they aren't strict and cold but they are sweet, caring and they really love their children. I am so lucky to have them.

-"how was your day sweetie?" -my mother asked me.

-"It was good even if there were some little trouble" -I facepalmed myself remembering what happened during school time.

-"really? So why your principal called me?" -my father raised his eyebrow. I scratch the back of my head while smiling awkwardly. He shakes his head but smile anyways.

-"you were litteraly like me when I was young!Smart,beautiful but a little rebel indeed" -he taps my head but my mother kicked his feet making him groan.

-"don't praise her! You idiot! Distributing students isn't good!" -she lectured us. We just nodded but smiled while winking at each other which made my mother rolls her eyes.

-"Anyways, how are you and Chaeyoung? It's been a while since I last saw her! She is really a lovely girl!" -my mother said while smiling at me. Yes, they know about me liking Chaeyoung and they accepted me truthfully with a smile on their face. My father even made a little dance, i am really lucky to have them.

-"she is fine!" -i simply said not looking at them. I know they will tease me.

-"Are you now in a relationship?" -my father asked. I shakes my head and he sigh in frustration.

-"aisshhhh....why??? You just have to court her, ask her and marry her!" -he said while shaking his head. My mother laughed and taps his shoulder. What I like about them is that they are like friends disguising into parents.

-"don't worry! I'll ask her soon!" -i wink and They smile.

-"tell me Jisoo...are you close to Manoban?" -my father suddenly ask, wearing his serious face.

-"Manoban? Lisa Manoban?" -i asked while frowing my eyebrown. He nodded.

-"Let's say, we are good" -I said unsure. I already said I take Lisa as a friend and I didn't say it just to be cool. I mean it even if don't understand her pretty much but the thing is that I don't know if she takes me as one.

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