mitrry styland (harry fluff??)

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"Mitchhhhhh" Harry said, shaking his boyfriend in bed. Mitch didn't budge. "wake uuuppp." Harry whined, shaking him again. 

"what??" Mitch said, slightly opening his eyes. 

"I wanna get something to eat, pleaaaseee" Harry said, using his best pout face. Mitch smiled softly, half of his face buried in the pillow. 

"your cute." Mitch said, closing his eyes again. 

"Mitchhhh, pleaaaseee." Harry said, shaking Mitch's shoulder. 

"There's some leftovers in the fridge." Mitch said, pulling Harry in to cuddle in attempt to shut him up. Harry wiggled out of Mitch's hold, pushing away. 

"but I wanna go to a restaurant with you, we haven't gone out in a while." Harry pouted. Mitch opened his eyes, hearing how much Harry really wanted to go. 

"pleaseee." Harry said, noticing how Mitch finally opened his eyes. 

Mitch had lost this battle. He couldn't resist Harry's pouting forever, he was hoping Harry would stop. 

"fine." Mitch said, he saw Harry's face light up, which made him do nothing but smile. 

"can I go pick your outfit?" Harry said, he was like a child. 

"yea, but don't choose anything embarrassing." Mitch said, kissing Harry's head. 

Harry left him on the bed, running towards their closet. Mitch decided to get 2 more minutes of sleep. 

hope you enjoyed this super short fluff chapter. I STILL DONT KNOW WHAT FLUFF MEANS THOUGH! anyways, i wanted to make it short, because I like reading these types of things, but I hate re-reading them when their super long, so i made it short! ya know that 'tired' part that I made, I might re-make it, but like, better. haha. but uhh, thanks for reading, can't get over the pic, stay safe, wear a mask, and bye bye!! 

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