★KnS: Valentines (omg no xD)

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Happy Valentine's day for those who have a lovelife, and Happy Independence day for singles and bitters! XD HAHAHA!



You opened your eyes, because of a certain person poking your cheek. Turning your head sideward, you saw your boyfriend, Kuroko, smiling and leaning down on you. You smiled and slowly sat up. "Good morning." You said.

He kissed your forehead and he grabbed the tray of food on the bedside table. "Good morning [Name]-chan." He said.

You blinked twice and looked at the tray and then to Kuroko. "Uhm. What's with the tray of food?" You asked. He smiled and sat beside you, placing the tray in front of the both of you.

"I made these. Pancakes with [fave fruit]. Happy Valentines day [Name]-chan." He said and kissed your lips. You smiled between the kiss and responded.

"I love you Tetsuya." You said after pulling back.



"Let's go Daiki!" You yelled and pulled your boyfriend's hand and dragged him to somewhere.

"Where are we going [Name]? Ot's almost eight in the evening." He asked. You grinned and didn't reply.


"Here we are!" You giggled and leaned over the railings.

"Whoa." Is the only word Aomine mustered. You looked at him and smiled. "Happy Valentines day!" You exclaimed and held out a box.

He sighed and then smiled. He pulled something out of his pocket and it revealed a box, too. "I should be the one giving."

You giggled. "We're tied." You smiled and leaned closer to him. Feeling his arms snaked around your waist, you rested your head on his chest–whereas you can now smell his nice, and manly scent. Omg. XD

"I love you." You heard him said. Smiling, you looked up at him and grinned. "I love you too~"



"Shin-chan~" You cooed as you appear next to your greenheaded boyfriend who was currently standing beside a bench in the park. He flinched but regained his composure.

"What do you want nanodayo?" He asked. You giggled and slid your arm between his. "Happy Valentines day!" You exclaimed and pulled him in a kiss.

His eyes widened, but yeah. He responded lol. After pulling back, his face is flushed in red. "H-h-h-appy Va-valentines d-day nodayo!" He stuttered. You giggled again and hugged him. "I love you Shin-chan~"

You heard him sigh and then you saw a box in front of you. Looking up to your boyfriend, he was looking away and his face is still blushing. "It's not like I am happy to be with you today nanodayo!" He said.

You snickered and grabbed the box from him. "I love you too Shin-chan." You laughed.



Baking a cake for your little giant (whut lol haikyuu), you're currently inside your kitchen. Skimming through all cabinets and the likes. Suddenly, a pair of large and long arms wrapped around your torso which made you stop.

☆★ Kuroko no Basuke OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now