☆Akashi Seijuro 10

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lol ok. Uhm. Since I REALLY DON'T KNOW HOW TO INTERPRET THAT Fourth of July song, I'M SORRY! ;A; i really can't and–okai. Sorry. XD

Ah BY THE WAY. LOL I've been wanting to do this ever since I finished watching SnK, soooooo thanks to my W I D E imagination and yeah my stupidity too.

Anywho. Erwin is the 13th commander of survey corps ryt ryt lol okay


F o r g i v e  m e ! XD 


  Why are you even here? You don't know either. Ah wait. Yes, you remember now. It was all because of Erwin Smith, the 13th commander of the Survey Corps. You were once living in the wrong path, a thief, a little thug who's fighting for dear life everyday by stealing, and if it's even necessary, kill.

  You were with Levi, yes that one hell of a ehem shorty ehem. Okay kidding, the 'Humanity's strongest soldier' yeah. Him. You met him underground and eventually, became acquainted to each other and he insisted you to come with him and his 'crew' as what he calls them.

He treated you like his sister, and you treated him like your brother. You love him, together with Farlan and Isabel. You treated them as you family, since even your own family abandoned you and you don't even know where they are or if they are still alive, but you don't care anyway. You were peacefully, uhm no. Not that peacefully since there are the Military police to chase you everytime. Well, since you've been trained by someone named 'Kenny Ackerman' or someone I don't know, all four of you escaped the military swiftly.

But one day, (un)fortunately, they caught the four of you. By Erwin Smith. That one hell of a blackmailer that told the four of you to join him and his Survey Corps, or he will surrender all of you to the Military Police which is a no no.

  So yes, it's basically that eyebrow-commander's fault that you're here. You've already witnessed so much deaths in a single day, which haunts you since then. And this is the place where you felt the pain of a family's death. When Farlan and Isabel died back on your first expedition outside the walls. Isabel, crushed by a titan, and Farlan, eaten by the same monster. You spent the rest of that day, crying, grieving on the loss of your family. That is also the day where Levi swore omto himself that he'll protect you no matter what, the last member of his family.

  "[Name]!!" Your thoughts were disturbed by a loud screaming coming from the room where you are, and the other Survey Corps members. Welp. You turned to look at whoever disturbed you and saw, shitty glasses. Loljk. "What the hell do you want, Hange?" You groaned. Everyone in the room watched the both of you.

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