★ Akashi Seijuro 7 [REPOSTED]

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~Free fall

SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR A WEEK. Our examination just finished (at laaast) and I'm really happy because I didn't fail any of the two main effing subjects. For the love of God, yes! XD I didn't fail Physics and Math! Hahahaha. Buuuut. I miserably failed social science. </3 haha yes. I did. </3

And since I really love Physics (pls note the sarcasm, though Chemistry is a lot harder) here's a little Physics related shot. Lol.


Projectile is any object traveling above the earth. Meaning all of us have this so called projectile and all of us have this so called Inertia. But what is Inertia? According to this Newton's first law of Motion, 'Objects tend to remain in its original state of motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force'.

To make everything simple, objects that wanted rest shall remain at rest. What did you just even?


"Grammar dear, grammar." Your best friend, [bf name] said. You huffed and rolled your eyes. "I know that."

"Why are you even struggling with that subject? There are still other subjects!" [Bf name] said.

You groaned and shook your head. "Nooooo. I shall pass this subject!"

[Bf name] laughed and patted your back. "May all of the gods be in your favor."


Two days had passed, but still. Physics doesn't seem to be on your side ever since. It still confuse you and always make your head ache any second.

"Trajectory is the two dimensional path at which any projectile of moving object is follo--I DON'T FREAKING UNDERSTAND ANYTHIIING." You groaned and buried your face into your arms and sulked.

"Physics is easy, [Name]."

You sat up straight and felt someone's presence beside you. Looking at the said person, you saw Akashi, a classmate and also the class' top 1. And overall top 1.

"For you, duh." You rolled your eyes at him and he just smirked.

"But it really is."

You sighed and went back to sulking. You heard him laugh (which is really really really really reaaaaally shocking) a little and felt him sat beside you. He grabbed your notebook and read your notes. "Want me to teach you?" He asked.

Your eyes widened and you looked at him with pleading eyes. "You will?" You asked with a tone of happiness.

He smirked and nodded. "Sure."


Hours had passed since Akashi started teaching you about the subject. And since then, you already understood everything.

"So basically, free falling bodies are objects that are falling under the sole influence of gravity. This objects then accelerates as they fall."

"Oh. So free fall happens because of gravity?" You asked.

He then nodded. "Yep."

You smiled at him and he just looked at you. "Why?"

"So.. In that case.. Is gravity the reason why I fell for you?" You suddenly blurted out.

His eyes widened for a second but it returned normal. You also noticed a slight tint of pink present on his cheeks. "W-what."

Upon realizing what you have just said, your eyes also widened and you covered your mouth. You felt your cheeks burned and frowned. "I-I'm sorry!" You said.

Akashi didn't say anything before something fell on the ground. You looked at it and saw your pen. You awkwardly shifted your body and leaned down to grab it.

"I.. I think even your pen fell for me." Akashi suddenly said.

You fought back your laugh. Akashi Seijuro just made a pun. Noooo. There must be an apocalypse!

"Th-that's not funny." You pouted.

Akashi chuckled and smiled at you, which is surprising.. Again. "To answer your question, I think yes. Gravity is the reason. Because I also think that Gravity is also the reason why I fell for you."


YES. OH MAY GAHD. I DIDN'T EVEN UNDERSTAND ANY OF WHAT I JUST TYPED. I mean srsly, I passed this subject without even the knowledge of knowing how I did. XD Maybe I'm just good--//smacked. Lol joke. Anywaaay, yeah. Dedicated to my friend who loves physics more than I do, and also loves Akashi. Hiii Ryuuki! (Yes I'm calling you that from now on bcuz your username is too long and because I'm too lazy to even type) forgive my laziness. Bcuz Inertia is the amount of laziness. Hahaha.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this even though I know some of you did not even understand a thing! Byeee! <3 :)


*Due to my mind's lack of wisdom, I kind of deleted this shot. I'm sorry. XD

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