★Kuroko Tetsuya 2

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I am sorry for this shit. :D

And please don't hate me :v


You went into a hotel and walked to the front desk to check in. The woman at the desk gave you your key and told you that on the way to your room, there is this door with no number on it.

She told you it is a storage room and no one is allowed to go inside. She reminded it of you tons of times before allowing you to go. So you followed her instructions and went straight to bed.

However the woman's insistence got your curiosity. So the next night, while walking to your room. You come across the door. You tried the doorknob but it was locked. So you bent down to have a look through the keyhole. Cold air passed through it that chills your eye.

What you saw is a hotel bedroom just like yours. And in a corner you saw a man. He was incredibly pale and has teal colored hair with small body figure. His head was leaning against the wall. Facing his back from the door. You stared at him in confusion. Who was he? A celeberity? The owner's son?

You were about to knock but decided not to. Still looking, the man turned around that made you jump backward away from the door. Not wanting him to think that you are spying on him or his stalker something.

You crept away from the door and walked back to your room.

The next day you went back to the door and looked into the wide keyhole.

But all you've seen is the color light blue, the color of the sky.

Perhaps the man you saw before had suspected that you were spying on him so he must have been covered the hole with something blue. You felt embarassed to the thought that you have made the man uncomfortable that he may had complaint about it at the front desk.

So you confront the front desk for more information about the room.

After some questions, quizzes and answers that you come across. She finally said.

"Hm. Well, I might as well tell you the story behind that door. There was a family there before. The parents murdered their own son and abandoned his corpse inside the unit. We found out that even now, the boy is still staying there. But he wasn't that ordinary. He was white all over and he have teal hair. And eyes that was colored blue, almost the color of the sky."



Shit. What have I done!? O.O I'm sorry XD

I have read that stupid horror shot twice. So if you knew that story, the eyes were originally red. So I changed it to light blue which is Kuroko's hair and eye color. That story never failed to give me creeps so, I thought of writing it with a little twist. XD

So next is~ Hanamiya Makoto :v


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