★Aomine Daiki 2

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~Too lazy to get up

So.. XD I got bored at class, I was writing this during our Filipino subject so, bear with the stupidity XD I was sleepy and bored. I was Sleebored. XD

Ok I am being crazy again.

And. This is awesomely short, too. xD

Ah! Yes, to all Filipinos out there, Happy Independence day to our beloved Philippines! ^U^


You are staying at Aomine's house for the weekend because you got bored and decided to barge into his house and disturb his peaceful life.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Is what he asked after you laid down in his sofa.

You grinned and waved. "I'm visiting you. Isn't it obvious?" You sarcastically asked.

He rolled his eyes, which is really disturbing because he looked so gay, and sat beside you.

"I don't really give a fvck." He said.

You kicked his arm (because you were lying down the couch) playfully and glared at him. "Then why the hell did you even ask?!"

He glared at you and pushed you leg away from him. But as a tease, you kept on kicking his arm. When he got annoyed, he grabbed you leg and tickled your foot.

"K-kyaa! Hahaha! O-oh--Hahahaha! A-ahomi-hahaha! P-please--hahaha! S-stop!" You yelled while laughing.

[Assume that you're very ticklish. Lol XD]

Ahomine smirked and continued tickling your poor foot.

"S-stop! HAhahah!"

After some moment, he stopped and laughed at you. You were panting cause you were out of breath.

"HAhahahha! Y-you! You didn't see your horrible face! Bwahahaha!"

You glared at him and sat up to tackle hin.

"I.Hate.You! Grr!" You hissed and choked him to dea--I was kidding lol.

"A-ack! S-stop!"

And you stopped, why? Because it's tiring.

You leaned beside hin as the both of you laid down the sofa.




"Aren't you going to get your butt up?" You asked.

"Nah." He said then turned to wrap his arms around you.

"Too lazy to get up." He added.

You smiled and nuzzled closer to him.



Lame. XD Hahahaha. So~~ So~~? XD dahell. eneway

Happy independence day again! :))

next is Hanamiya Makoto 2

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