★Sakurai Ryo 2

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~Kiss in the rain

Requested by ptbbanaticla. Hope you'll like it. XD

Lol the title. XD kill me after dis. Forgive me for ruining the sumimsen mushroom XD.


You were running. Running and running under the cold rainy evening. You were dismissed late by your teacher and you have cleaning duties today so you have to stay late at school.

Unfortunately, when you were about to step out of your school building, the heavy rain poured. Being forgetful and genius your are, you forgot to bring an umbrella so you have no choice but to run under the rain.

"Shit shit shit." You cursed as you felt coldness in your body.

You saw a waiting shed by the corner and decided to stay there for a while. You sighed and rubbed your sides. "How lucky could I get?"

After some moments you heard faint footsteps. You looked around to see who it is and saw a guy with an umbrella. When he got near you, yoy saw his face and realize that it was Sakurai.

A classmate of yours and also your friend.

"[Y/n]-san?" He called.

You gave him a small smile and waved at him. "Hi."

He walked to you and, "[y/n]-san! You're soaking wet!" He said.

Duh. Obviously.You thought.

He folded his umbrella and removed his blazer and wore it to you. "You'll catch cold [y/n]-san!" He said.

"Th-thank you Ryo-kun." You blushed and felt something being rubbed on your head. You looked up and saw Sakurai rubbing your hair with a towel.

"Why are y-you wet?" He asked.

You looked at him. "Obviously because of the rain?"

He blinked and...

"S-sumimasen! Sumimasen! Sumimasen!" He said.

"N-no. Ah--Ryo-kun! I-it's fine."

"Sumimasen.." And then he stopped.

"Thank you.. Ryo-kun." You said.

He looked at you and smile. Sheeet. He's so cute. You thought.

"I-it's nothing [y/n]-san.. Ano.. If you wouldn't mind.. I can accompany you h-home.." He said, with taint of pink forming in his cheeks.

You blushed and, "I-if.. if it's okay with you." You said.

He smiled again, "H-hai! L-let's go."

He grabbed your bag and opened the umbrella. You blushed again and walked with him under the umbrella.

Both of you walked in silence until--

*Asddfhslkllllll [<--A super stupid sound effects brought to you by your retard author. Joke okay that was a stupid thunder. lol.]

"Kyaa!" You squealed and unconsciously hugged Sakurai.

[Let's assume that you're afraid of lightning and thunder lol]

"[y-y/n]-san! I-it's okay!" He said and made you realized that you are hugging him.

Immediately you let go of him and apologized. "G-gomen! I didn't mean to!"

"N-no! It's alright [y/n]-san!"

You didn't say anything because of the embarassment you felt.

*Asdfghjklllj <--Okay that wa--//whatever.

You let out a small squeal and covered your ears with both of your hands. You felt an arm around your shoulder which is pulling you closer.

"A-ano.. I-it's okay.. I-I'm here.." Sakurai said that made you blush even more and pushed yourself closer to him.

"A-ano.." He softly said.


"I-I love you--I love you [y/n]-san."

You flinched and blushed. He stopped walking that made you stop too because duh he was holding you.

"C-can you go out with me?"

You stared at him and hugged him. You wouldn't waste a chance on going out with the one you like right?

"Oh my God. I will." You said then looked up.

He smiled at you and leaned closer to give you a little kiss in the rain.


End. :v

Huahua. Late update? I know. Classes started and--well yeah. Mom confiscated my phone which I always use for updating, for typing drafts and storing all of my illegal--//slapped. Okay that was a joke. XD Eneway yeah. My mom only let me use it after I do my homework and when she got home from work which is so late in the evening. So pls understand ^u^. Thankies~

Hugs and kisses from your crazy, retard and abnormal author! Teehee~ ♡

Next is Yukio Kasamatsu--cuz every senpai need lots of L♡VE <3


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