☆Aomine Daiki 6

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~Good girl

Inspired by 5SOS' song. xD hahaha! idek why just bear with it lol. Bye lol. X'D  this is short lol. Beware of swearing and lots of stuffs. XD bec im gorg huehuehue.


'Fr: Hentai-Ahomine

[Name] get your ass out of your house. I'm gonna fetch you in 10 minutes.


What a great beginning to start your day! Early this morning, after you woke up, actually it was your phone's fault that you woke up. You eventually forgot to set it on silent mode last night and then here is Aomine, your fucking real life boyfriend whom you don't know how on earth you became a couple, that all you knew is that one day he talked to you and boom! Yoy're already in a relationship. Anyway back to the stupid topic, he continuously texted you and even called you for who knows how many times! And of course who would've sleep like that? Knowing that your ringtone is as loud as Kise's stupid loud voice with Okamura's fucking voice.

Groaning, you didn't get up. Few minutes later, you drifted to Neverland once again. But a few minutes later coz i'm fabulous, you heard--rather, felt someone roughly tapping, no not tapping, slapping your butt. I mean seriously, your butt.

Groaning again bec im fab, again, you tried to swat the hand away but it won't stop. Opening your eyes in annoyance, you saw your pitiful--joke huehue--boyfriend's face. His eyebrows are knitted together as he glare at your whole being.

"Get your fucking ass out of the bed [Name]! Didn't I tell you that I was going to fetch you?!" He growled.

You just stared at him and yawned. After that, you covered yourself with blanket again and spoke, "Really? I guess I forgot it then."

Aomine scowled and pulled the sheets away from your body. You immediately sat up and glared at him. "What the hell Aho!" You yelled.

He popped a vein and threw the sheet on your face. "Come on [Name]! [Mother's name]-san already approved so get the hell out of that stupid bed of yours and go take a shower and wear some decent clothes and we will go somwhere!" He ranted.

"Don't you dare insult my bed in front of my face you dickhead! Okay! Okay! I will take a shower now geez." You finally stood up from your bed and went straight to your bathroom. Took a shower and went out after only a towel covering your whole body.

Aomine whistled and stared at your body with of course, his perverted smirk. "Nice body. Wanna do the do?" He wiggled his brows at you while you felt your cheeks grew hotter.

"Fuck you Daiki!" You yelled and threw the first thing your hand came across with. Which is your econ book. (I pity the book then. ;u;)

"No, [Name]! I'll fuck yo--OW!!" And then again, you threw another. This time, your very large dictionary which is idek why you have one. XD

Wearing skinny jeans, a grey sweatshirt with a big 'Nike' on the center, and a tank top underneath, you are ready to go.

"Nice." Aomine complimented. Actually, he was wearing the same sweatshirt because you were the one who gave him that. You nodded and went down with him.

"Be sure to be home at 7!" Your mom said and kissed your cheek. You smiled and nodded. "Okay."

"Bring her back at one piece, okay Daiki?" She said. Aomine smiled and bowed. "Of course [mother's name]-san."

Before leaving the house, of course, how could you forget to wear shoes? XD Grabbing your foot socks and your blue and black sneakers, you went out with Aomine.


"I thought we're going 'somewhere'?" You asked. Aomine grinned and took your hand.

"Yes. And my apartment, is somewhere far from your house." He proudly said.

Rolling your eyes, you scoffed. "I should have guessed."

"Sorry for intruding.." You said as you took of your shoes. Aomine went straight to the living room and sat on the sofa. You followed him and sat beside him.

"Sooo. What are we gonna do?" You asked.

Aomine shrugged as he clicked the remote for the tv to open. "I don't know, what do you want to do?" He asked.

You also shrugged and scooted closer to him, his arm wrapped around your waist. "I don't knowwww~" you boredly said.

(Time skip brought to you by Okamura's jaws eww xD)

Minutes had passed but still, both of you had nothing to do. You took of your sweatshirt and decided to lay your head on Aomine's lap. Which he didn't mind because.. He loves you duh. xD

"[Name]." He suddenly called. You looked at him, but he wasn't looking at you. "Yeah?"

This time, he looked down only to let his dark eyes meet yout dull [color] orbs. "I want to do the do--ow!"

You blushed furiously and hit his face. "What the hell!"

"That hurts fuck! You punch like a man! Fuck ahhh." He groaned.

"It's your fault! I'm not guilty!" You yelled.

"Agh! Don't tell me you're still embarrassed with all of these stuffs? We've done it for who knows how many times now and who knows where. We do the 'do' everytime, everywhere!" He exclaimed. [I just had to write those. I'm sorry xDDD]

"Ahhhhh! Stop Daiki!" You yelled.

"Damn [Name]. Don't act like you're still a virgin! You're not innocent anymore!"

You just blushed and covered your face with both of your palms. "Shut uppp."

Aomine was about to rant something again but was interrupted by your loud stupid ringtone.


Nice. xD


And i finished this in one night for about thirty minutes. Yey. xD I actually typed this last Saturday buuut. Since I'm super busy and shit, yea. I wasn't able to use the freaking internet for a week bec yeaaaah. xD


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