☆Mibuchi Reo 2

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~Word problems

Waah~ Dafuu. I got writer's bloooock! XDD Please understand. :D And also, this is stupidly short. :D

Requested by Kira_Yuuki04, hope you enjoyyy.


You are inside your classroom, alone. And you were continuously cursing a paper, and a pencil.

"This is really stupid. I mean really. What the hell?" You hissed while writing some numbers and letters.

What are you doing? You are solving a problem, a word problem to be exact, and it is making your head hurt for every five seconds.

"Who the freak invented this?! Am I going to use this for my everyday life?! I mean, what if I went to a store and ask 'How much is this candy?' They'll say 'It's x+1=2'. Gaahhd. I.Freaking.Hate.Math." you said and banged your head to your desk.

You sat up straight again and stared at the paper you are working on awhile ago. "The sum of three numbers is 45. The second number is 3 more than the first, and the third number is twice the second. Find the numbers."

[Uh. Let's assume that, that problem is difficult. XD That came from my notebook when I was in first year high school (grade 7). Yeah xD]

Your eyebrows knitted, and slammed your pencil on your desk. You buried your face in your arms. "I give up. I'm so hopeless. I'm so stupid."

"No you're not."

You immediately sat up and turned around to see whom the voice came from. "R-reo-kun?!"

Mibuchi smiled at you and waved. "Hi [y/n]-chan~" He said. He grabbed a chair and put it beside you and sat down.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

You blushed, and looked at the paper. You sighed and pouted. "Stupid math problems." You said.

He chuckled and ruffled your hair. "Math isn't stupid [y/n]-chan. It's nor really that difficult if you ask me. All you have to do is, try to analyze and understand it. And try to love it." He said.

You sighed again and buried your face into your palms. "Noooo. Whatever I do I can't love Maaaath." You whined.

He laughed again and held the paper. "The sum of three numbers is 45. [y/n]-chan. This is really easy to solve." He said.

You turned to face him and glared. "Easy for you to say. Because you're already smart."

He laughed and flicked your forehead. "No. Try to analyze the question and you'll know why I said that." He said and gave you the paper.

You stared at the paper and read the problem. After few minutes,

"I really give up. My brain isn't cooperating with me anymore." You said.

He smiled and leaned closer to you. "I'll solve it. And I'll explain it to you. Ok?" He asked, and you nodded.

"Okay. First the representation. It is important. So, let x be the first number. Second, let 3+x be the second--"


"Because, look at the second condition, the second number is 3 more than the first. So.. that is 3+x."

"Ah. Please continue."

"Okay. So let be 3+x the second number. And lastly, let 2(3+x) be the third number."

"How on earth?"

He laughed, "Because, look at the second condition again. It says that the third number is twice the second. Therefore it is 2(3+x)."

You nodded and then he continued. "Next is forming the equation. So look at the first condition. It says, the sum of three numbers is 45. Therefore add the three numbers. x+ (3+x) + 2(3+x) = 45. Did you get it?"

You stared at it for a second and nodded. "Oh my God yes." You gasped. He laughed again and proceeded.

"So.. First distribute the third number. x+ (3+x) + 6 + 2x = 45."

"How the hell did that happen?!"

"It is because you distributed the 2 to 3 and x. Therefore it became 2+x."

You nodded again.

"So after distributing, combine like terms, right? So combine the 3 x's in the left side. Therefore it became, 4x+3+6 = 45."

"Oh~ So combining like terms. You add x plus x plus 2x?"

He nodded and smiled. "Correct."

"Okay~ proceed."

"So.. Transpose the whole numbers to the opposite side and it became, 4x = 45-9."

"Then, subtract 9 from 45. Therefore it became..?" He looked at you.

You stared at him for a moment before answering, "36."

He smiled and laughed. "Good [y/n]-chan."

You blushed and he continued.

"So it became 4x= 36 right? So the last thing to do is to divide both sides by 4 and have.. x is equals to?"

"Nine!" You happily exclaimed. He laughed and wrote the number nine in the paper.

"Correct! Now the statement states that you have to find the three numbers. So x = 9. 3+x= 12. And 2(3+x)= 24. And.. That's it." He said.

You stared at the paper for moments and looked at Mibuchi. "Oh my God Reo-kun! Thank you so much!" You said and unconsciously, you hugged him.

He laughed and pat your head. "It's fine [y/n]-chan."

You pullef back and blushed. "Oh my gosh. Sorry."

He laughed again and wrote something on the paper. When he finished he let you see it and smiled at you.

"Answer that. It's also a word problem. It's really easy." He said.

You read the statement.

"Let i be the first number and let u be the second number. If three is less than the first number times the second, what is your answer?"

Yoi blinked twice and looked at Mibuchi, eyebrow raised. He only nod and smiled.

You tried to analyze the problem.. And after few seconds, you wrote down the equation.

"i <3 u. i is the first number and u is the second. Therefore three is less than i times u is i <3 u." You stared at it for a minute before widening your eyes and turned to look at Mibuchi.

He was smiling and waitinh for your answer. You pouted and hugged him. "I love you too Reo-kun!" You yelled and he laughed.

"Glad to hear it [y/n]-chan. I love you."



Actually. XD lol. So if you saw a mistake, please inform me. I don't mind. And thank you for you know, waiting for my updates even if my shots are lame. XD Lol. So~

Next is Murasakibara Atsushi 3~


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