☆Takao Kazunari 4

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Requested by GabbiecchiCakes eyy XD

SHORT gdi. I would probably write short one shots now. //smacked bye xD


You sat down on your desk, getting your sketch pad and pencil from your bag. You like to draw, obviously, it's like, everything you see is some sort of inspiration. Whenever you pass by a park or something, you always stop there and draw.

Now, looking around, you spot a tree outside the window and decided to sketch it.


You were too busy sketching, that you weren't able to notice the person who was calling you. "Eyy [Name]-chan!"


Not until, he banged a hand on your desk which made you flinch and gasp in surprise. Looking up, you saw a grinning ravenhead in front of you.

"Kazu? What do you want?" You asked irritably, rolling your eyes. Obviously annoyed on how he disturbed your peacefulness.

Takao chuckled and pinched your nose. "Nah. Just messing with you." He snickered.

You glared at him and sighed. "Goddammit. Go away." You hissed, making him laugh again and sit on his desk.

Which is in front of you.

Classes started, and you were still in daze. Not knowing and not caring whatever your teacher was talking about.

Deciding to ease your boredom, you brought out your sketchpad again and started scribbling.

Which is Takao.

I mean, you were sketching Takao. From your view behind him.

Satisfying yourself, you smiled at your (masterpiece) drawing and breathed deeply.

"Ey [Name]-chan, what's that?"

You flinched again, looking up to Takao, your cheeks heated as you cover your drawing. "A-ah! Nothing!" You yelled as you shake head.

He tilted his head and chuckled. "What?" He said.

You shook your head again. "N-nothing.." You mumbled, looking away.

A mischievous smile crept into the lad's face. "Oh. Alright. I can't believe you just sketched me while History is going."


Takao grinned. "That's me, right?"

Your face reddened, more. "H-how-"

Takao gave a small smile, as his cheeks became pink. "Eh.. I was.. Uh. Glancing at [Name]-chan.. And saw you.. Drawing. Me." He mumbled.

You bit your lip. "I-is that so..? I'm sorry.. It's just.. Ah.." You trailed off, unsure of what words you should choose.

"I-I like [Name]-chan too!" He suddenly yelled, gaing everyone in the classroom's attentions.


"I love you.. [Name]-chan." He said, his ears beginning to heat up.

"E..h. Omygod."

"We're a thing now! No objections."




Worst way to end a chapter. Omg idk how to end it so ya. Lolol xD bye XD

So. School is starting and beytch ples. I'm a college student starting June 8 //sulks. No, no. I'm not happy with this. I want to be in high school again. //crais. Anyway since college life is fastly approaching, I'm afraid my updates would be slower than before. XD sheyyysh HAHAHA imsorry xD


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