★Kasamatsu Yukio 3

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So yeah part 2 xD SHORT LOL


13 years later (*cue spongebob's voice* loljk)

It's been a long day, withou-sHHH wrong sentence.


It's been weeks since you and Kasamatsu saw each other. Not that you don't want to, but you just can't. School, paperworks, projects, thesis ans other shits had been hindrances.

Not just because you were busy at school, and also because Kasamatsu was busy with his work and also, his basketball career.

You got together when you became a high school student and he, just finished his college degree.

Now, that you already finished college, you can't help not to be happy that finally, you can spend time with him again.

Or so you thought.

Well, you were about to text him that you'll go to his apartment, when you received a text from him.

Fr: Yukio
Subject: Sorry

Ah, [Name]-chan. I'm sorry, I won't be able to meet you today. I went somewhere to meet my friends. I love you.

Well that was unexpected. Feeling down, you sighed and replied a simple 'Okay I love you too. Take care." and closed your eyes.

I was really anticipating to see him.. Nah. It must be very important. You thought and rolled to your side.

Eventually, you fell asleep without you knowing it.


*DING DONG DONG DING* (it's a lame ass sfx of the doorbell lmao)

You flinched, opening your eyes when you heard your (//coughs stupid) doorbell rang. Groaning, you stood up and tried (as in, tried lmao) to fix yourself to look more presentable to whoever the person is. Ahahahaha

You opened your door. "Hell-eh?" You didn't finish your sentence when you saw no one on the door. Your eyebrows furrowed. Scowling, you were about to close the door when you saw a box on the floor.

Grabbing it, you opened it without hesitation and saw a mini-box and a note.

[Name] [Last Name],

DO NOT open the box until you see me. I love you so much.


You raised an eyebrow, staring at the note and then to the box. No, you're no gonna open it. You don't want to break Kasamatsu's trust now, don't you?

So, you just stood there, waiting for who knows what.


"Kise?" You blinked, a little shocked to see Kise standing before you, smiling widely and has a red rose on his hand.

"Hi [Last Name]-cchi! For you!" He said and gave the rose to you.

Confused, you accepted it and thanked him.

"Ehehe~" he chuckled and stepped aside, revealing Moriyama behind him.

Wow. Much wow. He gave you a rose too, and then to your amusement, every member of Kasamatsu's team back in high school were present and each gave you a red rose. Period.

"What's this.. For?" You asked. Every person smiled at you, forming a straight line in front of you, confusing you more and more.

"What the actual hell, guys?" You asked.

"Hehe sorry [Last Name]-cchi~ here he is!" Kise beamed, the members stepped aside, revealing the man of your life.

Kasamatsu smiled at you, holding out a rose on his hand. Walking towards you, he gave the rose to you. "Hey.." He said and gently chuckled.

You chuckled too and you looked at him in the eyes. "What?" You replied, smiling at him.

Kasamatsu then looked at the box on your hand and grabbed it from you.

"You won't probably remember this.. But it was the reason why I fell for you and the reason why I kept a promise to myself." He started.


Kasamatsu looked at your eyes and opened the box, revealing a small silver ring. Your eyes widened due to astonishment. "Wow.." You mumbled.

"You told me before, when we were kids that, you'll marry me when we grow up." He said, making you look at him.

"I remember.."

He smiled and knelt to the ground, making you gasp in surprise. "What-what are you doing?!"

"[Last Name] [Name], I kept a promise to myself that I will wait. Wait until this day, wait until you grow up. [Name], will you take this ring to spend your lifetime with me?"

You smiled, blushing a little before pulling him up and putting the ring on your finger.

"Goddammit! Of course! I will!"


I had a writer's block. Sorry. :(

SOOOOO. SCHOOL STARTED YESTERDAY, meaning I'm already a college student, AND HELL. FREAKING HELL. XDDD I'm not amused lmao. I want to go back to high school. ;_;

College is only fun on its first week. I'm assuring you. Gdi. imcri ;-;


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