☆ Himuro Tatsuya

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~ Slendy

I do not play Slenderman. XD And I don't have plan on playing. Just by reading fanfictions about it gives me the creeps. XD HEHE. And I don't even know how to play that creepy game. XD All I knew is you have to find 8 pages of papers--or something I don't know. Without getting killed or something by Slenderman.



You were sitting in your computer chair, infront of your desktop. Playing and cursing.

"Damn you Slenderman! Why can't you leave me alone?!" You hissed.

You were playing this game for almost 2 hours now, and every now and then giving you shivers to your spine.

"[Y/n].. It's inappropriate for a girl to cuss like that." You heard someone said.

He's Himuro Tatsuya. Your childhood friend. You and him are living with each other because it was both of your parents idea. And besides, both of you attend Yosen.

"Sorry." You replied and continued playing.

Minutes later.

"F*ck! I'm not playing this anymore!" You cussed once more and stood up. You got annoyed with the game and decided to stop for awhile. And you sat down the sofa.

"[Y/n].." Himuro said sitting beside you and offering you chips he was eating.

You got some and ate it. "Thanks.",

"Why are you pissed with the game anyway?", He asked.

You forrowed your brows and huffed. "The stupid Slenderman won't leave my character alone and dafuq. I always die." You said.

Himuro laughed, but later on his face became serious and stared at your [e/c] orbs.

",[y/n].. I swear to Slenderman that if I hear you cuss again, I'll do something to you." He said.

You gave him a pokerface emotion and puffed your cheeks. "Sorry. Got carried away." You said without looking at his eyes.

He chuckled and ruffled your hair. "Don't worry about it. Anyway, what do you want for lunch?" He asked.

"Anything." You replied. He nodded and smiled at you. He stood up and went to the kitchen. Both of you arw the only ones who live at the house.

Both of your parents bought the house for the both of you.

You decided to play that 'stupid' game again.


"Yes! Three pages down! Five more to go!" You yelled happily. But, it ended when you heard the creepy background music that indicates, Slenderman is nearing you.

"Damn Slendy." You cursed.

"I heard that [y/n]!" Himuro yelled.

"Sorry! Slendy is here!"

You concentrated on running away from Slenderman. And you succeeded. "Whoo. I got away from that creepy faceless man."

You heard a faint chuckle from the kitchen. And it made you smile.

"Okay this is stupid. Where the hell is that stupid note? All I'm seeing is this stupid chair, and hallways." You said.

Then few moments later, you heard the stupid background music once again and decided to run for your life. "Waah! Stupid Slendy is after me again! TToTT" You said.

"That's the main conflict of the game [y/n]. You find pages, Slenderman chases after you, you run for your life. Life is like a game. It will never end without failures and obstacles." Himuro said.

You suddenly paused the game and stared at Himuro. Mouth slightly agaped

"That.Was.Deep. Where the hell did that come from!?" You asked, your eyes staring at him.

He laughed, "I was stating the fact. But don't take that game seriously though."

Yiu smiled at him and slightky shook your head. "Yeah yeah." You said and played once again.

"Oh my gosh! I found the eighth page!--And dafuuuqq! Slenderman's after me again! Waaaaah! He's fasteeer! ;A;" You said.

"Waah! Slenderman you fvcking stupid bastard! Waaah!!"

While you were cursing, Himuro just stare at you. Anime vein, popping in his head.



You didn't notice that Himuro is behind you watching you curse Slenderman.

"Damn you Slenderman." You hissed.

"Wah! He's here again! O.O"


"Slendy you fvcker."


"Fvck you Slenderma--"

You didn't even finished what you're going to say when Himuro smashed his lips into yours. You widen your eyes in shock as he move his lips unto yours.

Few seconds later he pulled back and both of you were panting.

"Wh-what.." You muttered.

Himuro looked at you and smirked. "I told you.. I'll do something to you if you cuss again." He said.

You looked at him, wide eyed as your cheeks redden.

"Aww. You're dead." He said.

And that made you back to your senses again. You looked back at your desktop and saw that Slendy killed you.

"I-it's your damn fault! I was being chased by stupid Slendy and you--"

Your eyes widen again. He was kissing you again, this time you responded.

Both of you were kissing like two minutes then you're the one who pulled back because of the lack of oxygen.

"Then I guess, [y/n] likes me too?" Je smiled at you.

You blinked twice and playfully punched his chest. Oohh~ Muscles!

"I hate you you damn basta--"


"You really liked being kissed, ne [y/n]?" He smirked at you.

You blushed and looked away. "I-I'm not.. It's because.. Tatsuya is being stupid again."

He chuckled and kissed your cheek.

"You're so cute. Then I guess, I'll thank Slenderman for this right?" He said.

You blushed again and faced yoir desktop. "Sh-shut up Tatsuya."

He laughed again and walk through the kitchen.

I owe you Slendy.



WOAH OoO! I just made a shot featuring Slenderman! The faceless bastard that gives me goosebumps whenever I see his stupid malnourished picture.

Sorry if it's short. XD Hehe~

Next is--Maybe That Megane-carrot. XD Maybe.


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