★Takao Kazunari 2

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~A little too not over you

What the hell is happening to me?! XD I'm being emo here! I'm not broken hearted! I'm not broken, I'm just bitter! XD Why am I being dramatic here?! XD

Okay stahp. So I made Takao a jerk. Leewl. XD

Reminders→ Let's just name the other guy into Takane.


He watched you with him. He watched you smiling with another guy. He watched you being happy with him. Or that's just how he sees it.

'It never crossed my mind at all It's what I tell myself.

What we had has come and gone.

You're better off with someone else.

It's for the best, I know it is.~'

Why? Why did he leave you? Why did he become such a jerk and cluelessly dumped you? Why? Why did he do that?

Even him, doesn't know the answer.

"..[y/n]-chan. I still love you."

'But I see you.

Sometimes I try to hide

What I feel inside,

And I turn around.

You're with him now.

I just can't figure it out.~'

You and Takao had been dating for almost four years now. You're happy with him, and he is happy with you. But those happy moments ended with a little misunderstanding that grew big.

And the ending? The two of you broke up. HE broke up with you. Awesome right?

"[y/n]?" You heard Takane asked.

Takane is your best friend. He's a childhood friend of yours and you treat each other as siblings. But. He is also a reason why Takao broke up with you.

You and Takane are engaged. Yes, it's an arrange marriage.

' Tell me why you're so hard to forget.

Don't remind me, I'm not over it.

Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth.

I'm just a little too not over you.

Not over you...~'

It's in Takane's favor because, he is secretly loving from all these years. But, you don't. You love Takao ever since. And you still love him even after you split up.

You turned to face him an gave him a smile. A fake smile. "Yes?"

He smiled at you. "Are you alright?" He asked.

You nodded and sighed. "Hai. I'm fine."

He eyed you suspiciously. "Liar. C'mon, I know how to cheer you up! I'll treat you ice cream! It's your favorite!" He cheerfully said.

And yes, ice cream is your favorite. But memories of him popped inside of your mind.

"[y/n]-chan! Aww [y/n]-chan! I'm sorry I didn't mean it!" He laughed.

"Come one [y/n]-chan! Ice creeaaaam~ I know you can't resist me and this thiiing~"

You mentally smiled as you remembered memories of you and him. Why? Why can't you forget it? Why can't you forget him?

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