★KnS: What if?

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~What if they read the yaoi stuffs you do?

Hahaha. I don't know what to write enemoar so yeah. Might as well do this. :D I already have drafts of the next shots, but srsly I wanna try this what if what if chuchu. xD

KnS means Kiseki no Sedai. XD Because GoM is so mainstream. LOL.

Uhm if you don't like yaoi, pls pretend that you do. xDD HAHA.



"I don't understand why I'm always the one below." Kuroko asked you innocently after reading the fanfictions you wrote.

You giggled and smiled. "It's because you're so cute. And you looked so innocent."

Kuroko didn't respond and kept his face deadpanned. "What? I could also be the seme."

You almost got choked by your own saliva when you heard Kuroko said it. "What?"

Kuroko surprisingly smirked at you and closed your laptop. "Want to know what it is like for me to be the one on top?" He asked.

You gulped and slowly nodded your head. He moved and pinned you down the bed. "You do? Okay." He said and began kissing your lips.

Oh boy, this is gonna be a long night.

• •


"WHATDAFUQ?! WHY AM I PAIRED WITH THAT BAKAGAMI AND THAT KISEGAY?!" Aomine comically shrieked and you laughed.

"It's because you looked cute with them." You replied.

Aomine looked at you with an unimaginable look on his face. "WHAT?! AND WHEN DID I LOOK CUTE WITH THOSE TWO?!"

You laughed so hard that made you cry tears out of joy. "Oh my God Aomine! Hahahaha!"

Aomine looked so hysterical that made you laugh more. Aomine clicked his tongue and quickly rose from where he was sitting and then kissed you to shut up.

"You know what pairing I ship?"

You blushed. "What?"

"You and me." He said and kissed you wholly on your lips. Oohh. You're probably gonna scream his name tonight.

• •


"What the hell nanodayo?" Midorima cursed after reading the fanfictions you wrote about him.

You covered your mouth to prevent from laughing. "Why does everyone need to pair me with that Bakao nanodayo?"

"I prefer you and me." He whispered but enough for you to hear.

You laughed so hard that made him blush and close ypur laptop. "I-it's not like I wanted to! I-it's just, it's so annoying t-that you ship me with Bakao!"

You didn't stop giggling not realizing that Midorima is already beside you and stopping you from speaking by kissing your lips.

"I don't like being shipped to Takao, I prefer you."

• •


"Eh~? Is this what [Name]-chin reads?" Murasakibara innocently asked you and tilted his head.

You giggled and took a bite of [something you want to eat xD]. "Yes."

Murasakibara continued to read. "So [Name]-chin ships me with Murochin, Akachin, and Midorimachin?" He asked.

You nodded. "Yes."

"Hmm.. I don't see the problem with Murochin because he always give me foods. Akachin is well, Akachin. Midochin? I'm also fine with it. He give me foods too."

You giggled again. "So you like yaoi now?"

He immediately looked at you. "NO. I still like [Name]-chin and me." He said and then wrapped both of his arms around you.

"I love you [Name]-chin."

• •


"I AM FINE WITH THE PAIRING KIKURO, AKAKI, MURAKI, MIDORIKI, KIKASA, BUT AOKI? WHAT ON EARTH [NAME]-CCHI?" Kise comically cried and closed your laptop, disgusted.

You laughed. "Why? Aomine and Kise fits together. Blue and yellow contrast each other making them perfect."

Kise looked at you with an unimaginable face. "Nuuuuuh. That's disgusting [Name]-cchi! I don't wanna be paired with Aominecchi! And especially I don't wanna be the submissive one! щ(゜ロ゜щ)" Kise whined that made you laugh so hard again.

"But Aomine look so good with Ryouta!" You giggled.

Kise shook his head roughly and pinned you on your bed. "Aomine and Kise are disgusting when they were paired. But Ryouta and [Name]-cchi? I think it's perfect." He smirked and kissed you on your lips.

And obviously, you know what happen with your night. :D

• •


Akashi seriously stared at your laptop. Reading it quietly and with you looking at him nervously and gulping every second.

Silence enveloped the room before he spoke. "You know, I have no problems being paired with Tetsuya. Because I'm the dominant one, but with the others? Why am I the one under?"

You laughed nervously and scratched your cheek. "Because they're bigger..?"

Akashi gave you a bored look. "Are you mocking my height?"


He sighed. "I seriously don't understand women these days. Last question. Why Kouki? I don't even know him."

You sweatdropped. "Uhm.. I just. Find your pairing cute so.."

Akashi smirked and closed your laptop and walked towards you. Nervousness filled your bones as you back away a little. "Uhm.."

"Seme huh? Might as well be proud of it, neh?" Akashi said and then kissed your lips.

And just like what you write with yaoi lemons, he dominated you the whole night.


End! :D

What the freak did I do? XD HAHA. It just happened that I'm too lazy to create another book with those What if's. So yeah, here's a what if. XD I might be posting more in the future. (because i srsly don't know what to write enemoar)


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