★Kuroko Tetsuya 6

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~Wrong sent

Clicheness. :v okai bye. XD

AU. Where the Kiseki are not legends of basketball, instead they are legends of music. XD

And- I made Teiko as a school for high school.

©Ed Sheeran for the song I used. -One.


"Come on [Name]-chan!!" Your friend, that you don't even know how you became friends, Takao Kazunari, pulled you, uhm no, dragged you between the crowd. "W-wah! Whait Kazu!!" You yelled.

And at last, you survived. Loljk. You managed to get inside the crowd. You panted and smacked Takao. "You tired me! You should've considered my small body and not to mention, I'm a girl!!"

Takao laughed and ruffled your hair. "Sorry. But you were the one who wants to get into the front line though." He said. You pouted and nodded your head. "Okay okay. Anyway, where are they anyway?" You asked as you look at the stage where lots of instruments are placed. "Why are you so excited anyway [Name]-chan? It's not like you don't go to the same high school as them." He asked.

"Tch. Yes I know okay. But it's not like it's everyday I see them make music like this!" You exclaimed while you clap both of your hands. Takao cracked a laugh and just agreed with you.


"Ah [Name]-chan." Takao suddenly called which made you look at him. "Yes?" You asked. "I'll go to the comfort room first. Text me kay?" He said. You blinkd twice then tried to stop him but it's too late. "H-hey!! Kazu! It's about to star--okay. He left me." You whined and sighed, deciding to wait for Takao.

Minutes later, the Miracles walked to the stage which made the crowd go wild and you, to text your beloved best friend.

To: Kuroko Tetsuya

WHERE ARE YOU? It's about to start! Come onnnn!! I need you Kazu! Kuroko is already here! I shall unleash my fangirlness to you! Fuuuu (≧∇≦)/

You put your phone back to your pocket and went back to watching your favorite band. Your eyes locked to Kuroko, which is your classmate, and your //ehem// crush since who knows when. He's the other vocalist, aside from Akashi. Since your eyes are locked to him, you noticed that he was holding his phone and is reading something. And what do you know, he suddenly curled his lips into a smile which surprised you.

He smiled? A spang of pain in your chest. Of course you'll feel hurt, what if someone messaged him? Someone, special to him? Okay, you don't want to think about it. Then you felt your pocket vibrated, which means someon messaged you.

Fr: Kuroko Tetsuya

☆★ Kuroko no Basuke OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now