☆Kuroko Tetsuya 5

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~Happy birthday!



Walking towards his house, you held a box closer to your chest. It's Kuroko's birthday and you wanted to give him at least a gift to show him your affection.

You knocked on the door and heard footsteps neared. A lady, in mid-30's opened the door for you, realizing that it's Kuroko's mom. "Oh [Name]-chan! You're here. I'n quite expecting you to come, so anyway come in!" She said and let you come.

You smiled and bowed, greeting her. "Thank you Kuroko-san." She giggled and waved it off. "I already told you to call me Mom." She said.

You nodded and giggled with him. "Sure mom." You said.

"Hun! [Name]-chan is here!" Kuroko's mom, whom we shall call Teru for the sake of this fanfiction, called her son. You giggled, as she told you to wait in the living room.

Kuroko came down, with his hair messy, rubbing his eyes, and wearing his jersey shorts and a simple shirt. Obviously, he just woke up.

"[Name]-chan?" He muttered. You excitedly stood up and tackled him with a bone crushing hug. "Hi Tetsu!! Good morning!" You said and giggled.

"And of course! Happy birthday!!" You exclaimed and kissed his cheek. Teru chuckled at your act and decided to leave the both of you.

Kuroko seemed startled a bit, but regained his composure and eventually smiled at you. "Thank you, [Name]-chan." He said.

You giggled and grinned. "You're always welcome Tetsu. Anyway, go change! I'll wait for you here. We'll go somewhere." You said and then winked. You pushed Kuroko upstairs again.

Even though confused, Kuroko smiled and shool his head. After some minutes, Kuroko came down again. Wearing some decent clothes now. His hair looks so nice now hahaha.

"Be home at 8. Tetsu be sure to walk [Name]-chan home alright?" Teru said, both of you nodding in agreement. She smiled and kissed your forehead, then to Kuroko. "Happy birthday dear. Mommy will give you your gift later, okay?" She winked, which made Kuroko smile and nod. "Thank you, mom."

"Now off you go! Shoo!" She said while motioning for you to go away. Lol.


"Now let's see—can you lead the way to Akashi's house?" You said. Kuroko raised an eyebrow. "Why?" He asked.

You smiled and giggled. "It's a secret. Just lead the way." You said. For the sake of this fanfiction again, let's just imagine that Akashi also have a house in Tokyo—which I knew he has because he's originally from Tokyo—OMG IDK. Sorry. Anyway yeah imagine. IMAGINE.

Kuroko nodded and held your hand, which made your cheeks blush. "Okay then, let's go." He said and walked. Though December just passed, it's still cold. Winter hasn't ended yet.

"Here we are." Kuroko said and stopped in front of an OVERLY HUGE mansion. You gasped—it's your first time here okay—amused by the huge house. Mansion rather.

"Are you perhaps, [Last name] [Name] and Kuroko Tetsuya?" A guard, suddenly approached the both of you and you nodded. "Yes."

He nodded and smiled, gestured you to go inside. "Young master's waiting for the both of you."


Upon enetering the backyard, HUGE BACKYARD (caps for the intensity xD), party poppers suddenly popped (whut xD). "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KUROKO/-CCHI/TETSU/TETSUYA!!"

Yea. A party for Kuroko, since the author really love cliche stuffs. XDD hahahaha. Bear with it.

"A-arigatou minna-san." Kuroko said as he give everyone a heart-melting smile. Awwwwwwwww.

He looked at you and then smiled, he cupped your cheeks between his soft and warm palms. "Thank you, [Name]-chan..." He said and kissed your lips. Everyone cheered. You smiled between the kiss and hugged him.

"You're the greatest gift I ever had, and always have."


Happy birthday Kuroko! (:

So i recieved another hate threat 8 hours ago. 8 HOURS AGO. XD IDC actually lol. Thanks for the hate though! Love you too bruu. ♥


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