☆Kiyoshi Teppei

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~Lil' sisterzone

OMG. I just realized.. The captain of the Karasuno's volleyball club in Haikyu! resembles captain four eyes (Hyuuga-senpai) so much. They're both scary when mad. ㆁuㆁ

Okay enough. XD


You are Kiyoshi Teppei's childhood friend and you're also a year younger than him but you are attending the same class as him.

"[l/n]-san??" You immediately came back to your senses when Kuroko, one of your kouhais said your name.

"Kuroko-kun?" You said smiling at him. "Is there a problem?"

He shook his head and, "Do you like Kiyoshi-senpai?"

You stared at him wide eyed with mouth slightly agaped. "What?" You were shocked because of his straightforward personality.

He didn't repeat his question but he was just staring at you with eyes saying to answer it.

You blinked twice . "Uh.. Am I really required to answer that question?"

He nodded. Sighing you crossed your arms.

"Yes. I do like him. So? What now?" You asked brows knitted and your [e/c] orbs stare at his blue ones.

"Could you tell that to him?"

You raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"I can see it clearly that he likes you back but can't really admit it himself." He stated.

Heat rose up your cheeks. "Wh-what?!" You asked.

"He likes you [l/s]-san." He bluntly said.

You remembered everything Kuroko said to you the last time he talked to you. You gripped the railing that serves as a stopper from falling from the rooftop. And yes, you are on the rooftop.

"[y/n]?" You flinched when you heard a familiar voice behind you.

You turned your heels around and saw him. Kiyoshi standing behind you, smiling. "Te-Teppei-kun?!" You said.

"Why are you stuttering?" He asked.

You shook your head. "I-I-I don't know either!" You shrieked.

He chuckled and stood beside you. He was inches taller than you so you have to look up to see his face. He was smiling while staring at the view.

"It's beautiful up here." You heard him say. You nodded in agreement and looked straight in front of you.

"Say.. Teppei-kun?" You started.

He turned to look at you and asked you a 'what'.

"Ano.. I was wondering... Ano.." You said. Face turning red. "What.. What do you think of me?" You asked. Cheeks stained in the deep shade of red.

Kiyoshi seemed to be surprised to hear your question. He was staring at you, eyebrows up while he was blinking rapidly.

"What do I think of you?"

You nodded.

**Somewhere around the rooftop~

"Oh my gosh! He's finally gonna admit it!" Aida silently squealed.

"Shh! Don't talk too loud Riko! They might notice us!" Hyuuga hushed.

"I know! I know! It's just.. *lip bite then.. Internally screaming*"

**Back to the both of you..

You patiently waited for him to answer your question.

"Uhm. Ah! I really thought of you as a perfect little sister!" He exclaimed hands clapping.

You widen your eyes, heart shattered into million pieces as he happily clapped his hands.

"R-really?" You asked.

"Un! You're really cute to be a little sister!" He said.

**Le somewhere around the rooftop~

"*mentally facepalmed*" -Hyuuga

"*Facepalm*" -Aida.

"Kiyoshi-senpai is an idiot sometimes.." -Kagami.

"But Kagami-kun is more idiot." -Kuroko.


**Le back at you again~ XD

Is this a rejection?! QAQ You told yourself as you slumped down the floor.

"Eh? [y/n]? What's wrong?" Kiyoshi asked you.

You shook your head, lifelessly and mentally sobbed. I thought Kuroko-kun told me that he likes me? ;A; Wait. Like? Like as in sibling like? Wwwaaaah! That was more painful than friendzone! QAQ

As you sulk, you didn't realize that Kiyoshi was sitting beside you and was staring at your face. "But.. Even though I said [y/n] could be a cute little sister.. I thought of you as more than my friend."

You looked up only to met his eyes. You staredat his brown ones while he stare at your [e/c] ones.

"Wha-what do you mean Teppei-kun?" You asked. He smile at you and caught strands of your [h/c] hair.

"Ever since we're little.. I've always loved you." He stated, twirling his fingers to your hair and played with it.

Your eyes widen as your cheeks start to heat up again.

"And up until now. I still love you and always will." He smiled.



Aida: *faints*

Hyuuga: Oi! Riko!

Kagami: Coach!


Yeah~ End. \m/

Huahua. Is it lame? Is it lame? I'm sorry. XD Huahua. So I said I'll be making Izuki Shun. But sadly, I really can't think of a pun. I can't think of a shot to write for him.

Next is.. Kise Ryouta 2 ^u^


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