20 facts (abt me again lol)

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(NOT SO) 20 (stupid) FACTS ABOUT ME (again)

Tagged by: @hannahclemens37

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1: I'm a college now :v -- yes yes, I graduated from high school last march 27, 2015. X'D

2: Uhm. Haha in the end, I took Accountancy as my priority. --though the course I really wanted to pursue is Literature. Because I wanted to be a teacher.

3: I'm a lazy ass. --ugh yes. i even get lazy to eat food. .____.

4: I want an older brother. --because I'm the eldest. lol. My brother's 10 years younger than me.

5: I'm just starting to watch shingeki ryt now -- sorry I'm too ignorant xDD

6: I didn't graduate with honors but meh --why? Because I didn't care about my grades before. I started to be grade conscious when I was in my last year in high school. but who cares? i enjoyed my high school life anyway xD

7: I get annoyed with annoying people all the time --well no, if they get very as in very annoying. If ever I became sarcastic to you, shut up. It means I don't like you. But I'm not always like that kay? XD

8: If you're a bitch, then I'm bitch(er) lol haha --no shit. Just don't get into my nerves then we're fine. LOL

9: I don't actually like people having grudges (lol) or any anger at me --I hate getting angry so don't start with me. I get annoyed at times, but I don't get angry.

10: I can't cook. --condolence to my future husband then. I can cook, basically. Fried eggs, fried hotdogs, fried rice, uhm what else XD okay idk what else XD LOL

11: I hate crowded places --because I hate noise okai. I'm also afraid of it because I'm not good with directions and I might get lost between them! That is why the last time I have been with a crowd was uhmmmm when I took an entrance exam in a school somewhere in Manila AND I WAS FREAKING paranoid that I might get lost TvT I didn't make any sense did I? Hahahahaha okay

12: I love to lie down the couch --it comes with my laziness. Haha kbye

13: I love basketball but I can't play well --I know how to shoot, how to dribble, but I HATE IT WHEN I'M GOING TO ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME WHERE PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO STEAL THE BALL FROM ME LIKE FUUUUU go away bitchh!! Go away!!! XDD

14: I just learned how to drink medicines --no, I mean tablets and capsules like that. XD

15: I want basketball shoes --the shoes my (guy) cousins want to buy. BECAUSE THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL OKAY so don't judge me. XD

16: I'm a hopeless romantic --probably because of too many cliche stories that I've read. Haha

17: I love Disney movies --NO JUDGING OKAI. One does not simply hate disney. WHETHER YOU'RE OLD OR NOT.

18: I love Peter Pan --because IDK TOO. XDD I just love him kai? I actually thought Peter would end up with Tinkerbell before X'D HEHE

19: I don't like our uniform --I just saw our uniform for CBA Accounting tech and HECK. I DIDN'T KNOW I'LL WEAR A FVCKING SKIRT! Nobody informed meeeeee TTvTT But I'm glad we'll wear it only in Mondays

20: I hate shopping --BUT I LOVE TO SHOP FOR FOOD ♡

21: I'm afraid of heights --I can't ride a Ferris wheel without grasping someone/something and scream my heart off. SERIOUSLY

22: I'm afraid of bats --because I remembered years ago, A FREAKING BIG BAT WENT INSIDE OUR HOUSE-MY ROOM AND FUUUU IT'S NOT A BUTTERFLY!!!!!! TTvTT I still can't forget that. I remembered my dad (or someone idk i forgot) hit it with a broom. Several times. And then it died. IT'S STILL TRAUMATIC OKAY. XDD

23: I hate seeing some elderlies wandering around streets --no shit I don't pity them but please just have sympathy. I have never been with my grandmother and grandfather longer for they left us earlier than expected.

24: I'm scared of clowns --because WHY NOT?! xD I can't even-when was the last time I saw clowns? My cousin's seventh birthday? Or my first birthday? LOL

25: What do I usually do when I don't know what to do? --Kill my chracter. Hehe :D 12:04 readers shall know this LOLjk guys. Love ya.

26: WANT TO WATCH FAST AND THE FURIOUS 7 SO MUCH --BECAUSE WHY NOT?!!! Just shiiiittt I badly wanted to watch it!!! Also with Avengers 2!!! Ughh shit just take my money ;A;

27: Robert Downey Jr is the bae --NO TOUCHY HE'S MINE.

28: I'm afraid of blood --it's disgusting and scary. no explanations needed.

29: I love volleybae -- hehe (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and I'm still waiting for Haikyu's 2nd season. XD

30: I'm afraid of the sound of breaking glasses --idk why but I'm so really scared of it.


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Shall I nominate? Nah too lazy ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

BYE!!! :*


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