☆Kiseki no Sedai (Special!)

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~Happy birthday!

So basically, this is a special chap. Today is my birthday (lol nobody cares *insert spongebob here*) so I just thought of writing a special shot for well, me! If we have the same birthday or what then yey! We're twins! If not, well pls pretend that it's your birthday! Hahaha! Okay~ proceed!


Making your way [DOWNTOWN WALKING FAST--//SLAPPED] through the busy streets of Tokyo, you suddenly stopped at a pastry shop. You looked at the glass window where on the other side was a display of a cake and other pastry foods.(lol)

You stared at it for a while before sighing and walking away again. 'I wonder if someone will remember my birthday tomorrow'.


Tomorrow(lol), Teiko

You hummed while skipping to the basketball gym. You aren't a part of the club, but you just like to hang out with the rainbow team. Today is Saturday and you just want to watch them practise.

"Good mor--eh?" You stopped when you realized that the rainbow gang is nowehere to be found. A random guy called you and asked why you are there.

"Err. I'm looking for Skittles."

He laughed. "Oh, I see what you mean. But I'm sorry, they just left." He said.

Your shoulders fell and pouted. "Aww. Okay! But anyway, thank you!" You said and before you started to walk again, he called you again.

"Oh wait! You're [Last name] [Name] right? Akashi-kun asked me to give you this." He said and gave you a piece of paper and a pouch.

"Oh thanks." He nodded and went back to practising. You looked at the paper he gave you and read what is written.

Hello [Name].

By using my common sense and every senses I have, I assume you're already reading this no? Anyway, if you don't mind, can I ask you something? I know you'll do it anyway. So, before going home, can you buy me a pair of red scissors at [insert store name]? I badly needed one. And the others requested too, please they said. Tetsuya want [insert book title here XD]. Another, Ryouta wants a copy of his magazine from [convenience store name]. Daiki is obliging you to buy the latest issue of his perv. magazine. But it's fine if you won't buy it. Shintaro wants a keychain of his Mr. Ribbit. He told me to tell you that it can be bought at [insert store name #2]. Atsushi wants a box of Maiubo. Lastly, Satsuki wants a pink bag. Thank you for your cooperation. The money you can use is in that pouch. Thank you again, take care.

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