☆Kise Ryouta 6

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I just love Ed Sheeran's songs so much. (´∀`)♡


You walked through the hallway, holding a book and a picture as a bookmark. Picture? Photo of whom? Your crush, I suppose.

"[Name]!" You stopped walking and hurriedly closed your book as you heard your name being called. Looking behind your back, you saw your friend, [F.Name] jogging towards you with a smile on her face.

"Yes?" You asked.

"I saw this outside. I don't know why, I just did." She laughed and gave you a paper, that seems to be a flyer of some sort.

You grabbed it from her and read its contents.

'Do you wish to be a model? Or do you wish to be Kise Ryouta's modelling partner?

If you do, make sure you're a stunning beauty, at least 5'4 in height and have features of a model.

Intersted? Contact us at '091 2345 6789', or simply log in to www.yesmagazine.com.jp or go directly to our main building at YES MAGAZINE located at Tokyo

For more details log in to www.facebook.com/yesmagazine/kiseryouta/lovelove/harthart

We'll be expecting you! And good luck.'

You looked at [F.Name] who was grinning at you mischievously. You shook your head and gave the paper back to her. You then walked ahead of her.

"Oi! [Name]! What?!" She asked.

"Do you seriously think that I am qualified for that?" You asked.

"Well duh? Am I going to let you see the flyer if I think you're not?"

Nailed it. But you don't have the courage to do so. After all, this is still Kise Ryouta we are talking about. The famous model, athlete and the boyfriend material of every girl in the world. Uhm not all.

"Come on! Just try it!" Your friend insisted. To do, or not to do?

Of course, because this is cliche and most of you wants a happy ending, you chose to try it.

"Your name?" Asked someone from the studio who was assigned to try the applicants.

"[Last Name] [Name]." You replied.



"Oh. A student. Where do you study?"

"Kaijo high."

"Another oh. That's where Kise-kun studies. You know him personally?"

"Uh.. Not really." You smiled.

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