★Muraskibara Atsushi 2

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OMG. Beware of OOCness again. :v

And.. The net's so slow. I wanna hit it till it become fast again. Imma so sorry. XD


You stood by the wall. Your best friend [bf/n] stood infront of you snickering. You glared at her but she kept on laughing.

"Oh my gosh, [y/n]. Your height didn't change!" She exclaimed. You sighed and pouted.

"I know... Why don't God give me some height?" You asked.

[Bf/n] laughed and patted your head. "It's okay [y/n]! You're still cute!" She said. You rolled your eyes and walked away from the wall.

"For the nth time. I hate height charts! 155cm is my height since middle school!" You hissed. [Bf/n] laughed at you again.

"Why are you so concerned with your height anyway? The last time I checked, you really don't care what your height was." she asked.

The both of you walked outside your school clinic. You widen your eyes for a bit and looked at your best friend. "I--I.. I don't know." You lied.

[bf/n] raised an eyebrow at you and examined your eyes. "Liar. Tell me what's in your mind? Is someone mocking your height or something?"

You shook your head. "N-no. Not that.."

[bf/n] sighed. "Then why?"

You hesitated for a second before stopping your tracks and looked at her straight  in the eyes.

"Promise me you wouldn't tell anyone?" You asked.

[Bf/n] grinned and gave you a reassuring nod. "Yes, maam!"

You sighed and.. "I like Murasakibara-kun." You whispered, heat raising up your face.

[Bf/n]'s eyes widen as she stared at you, mouth slightly agaped. "R-really?! OMG! I can't believe you like Mur--askshshsbuukwjwcvx!!"

Your face rose up as you cover your best friend's mouth with your right hand. "Sh-sh-shut up!" You yelled, enough for you to get the people's attention.

[Bf/n] pushed your hand away and laughed at your tomato-ey face. "OMG! HAHAHA! Your face--your face looks like--AHAHA!" She cracked.

You glared at her and walked pass her. "I hate you." You hissed.


You walked through the hallway, empty boxes in hand. You barely see where you're going that's why you walk slowly, and careful.

You suddenly stopped your tracks, as you gasp for breath. "Whoo. This is harder than I expected." You breathed out.

On the process of gasping for breath, you realized that the boxes you're carrying are getting few. You looled up to see what's happening and saw Murasakibara getting the boxes from your arms.

Your eyes widen in shock as his purple eyes looked unto your [e/c] ones. "Mu-murasakibara-kun?!"

Murasakibara gave you a slight nod which you didn't quite understand why he did that.

"[y/n]-chin seems to be in trouble.. So I thought of helping her." He said.

You felt your blood rushed through your face as you buried it between the last box you're holding. "T-thank you Murasakibara-kun! Though.. I hope I'm not bothering you.." You said.

"Nah.. [y/n]-chin isn't bothering me. Come on [y/n]-chin.. Where are you planning to take this boxes anyway?" He asked.

"Ah! Ano.. Inside the storage room at the second gym.." You said.

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