☆Mibuchi Reo

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~Cold as you

Hi. XD I'll warn you before you read. Reo is a bit OOC here, because I don't actually know his personality nor his attitude. I'll do this base on his personality in other fanfictions I read. So.. Bear with me people? Thank you. *u*

Also, the other characters might be super duper OOC. XD AND. SORRY FOR MAKING AKASHI SUCH A BASTARD. He have reasons! XD

@MissOtakuGirl22, you're at fault. XD You made Akashi a bastard with your fic, I'll make mine too. XD Huahuahua. Sophia made me cry last time, I make you cry this time. XD HAHA. JUST JOKING. Peace imouto (OuO)v

And oh yeah. This shot is a Mibuchi x Reader x Akashi ^u^


You love him. You're inlove with him since the very first day you saw him. You love Akashi Seijuro. But he don't. He don't love you back.

It's painful, but you didn't protest. That's just how life is. Not everything you wanted may be yours. Not everything that you want to happen, may happen.

You leaned your back against the wall as you buried your face between your arms. Silently crying because of the pain you're feeling.

"I don't love you." He bluntly said.

Your eyes started to water, as your chest feel tight. "B-but." You said.

He just stared at you with dull eyes, eyes with no emotions. Eyes cold as ice. "I already said it, [y/n]. I don't love you. I don't love anyone."

Tears streamed down your face as he walked pass you. It's over. Why? Why did I fall for him? Why did I fall for such a cold-hearted person? Why?

Why can't you love someone who will love me back? Why don't a prince come into your life to save you?


You sobbed and sobbed, only to realised that someone was sitting beside you. You look up to see who was who and saw Mibuchi Reo. A senpai of yours.

"Mibuchi-senpai?" You said between your sobs.

Mibuchi smiled at you and reached for your face. He wiped your tears and held your face

"I heard what happen.." He said, frowning.

Tears suddenly fell from your eyes again. "M-mibuchi..senpai.." You cried.

He pulled you to him and embraced you. "Why? Why? Why is he cold-hearted? Why?.. I don't understand..." you said.

He stroked your back as he comfort you. "Shh..." He whispered.

"He.. He rejected me.. It hurts.." You said, burying your face into his chest. Not minding that you're making his shirt wet.

".. I understand [y/n]-chan.. But you know.. There are so many man in the world.. Just look around you [y/n]-chan. He might be around. Or he might be beside you all this time.." He said.

You didn't understand what he said so you just continued to cry.

He watched the both of you. His heart shattering to million pieces at the scene.

"That's the reason why I rejected you, [y/n]..." He said before he walked away.

"You okay now [y/n]?" Mibuchi asked. You nodded and gave him a faint smile.

"Hai! Arigatou Mibuchi-senpai." You said.

He smiled at you and ruffled your hair. "You're welcome [y/n]-chan.."


You looked at him and tilt your head sidewards. "Yes?"

"I know this is a bit sudden but.. I like you [y/n]-chan." He seriously said.

Your eyes widen in shock and felt your heart flutter. Why? What is that feeling? Why would your heart flutter? Why?

"M-mibuchi-senpai.." You said.

He smiled at you. "No need to reply [y/n]-chan! I can wait. And besides your wound is still fresh. And I'm here to help you heal it."

Your [e/c] eyes stared at his as you felt it water again. You buried your face in your hands and cried.

You found one. You found a prince that will love you back.

He chuckled bitterly. "Sorry for breaking you, [y/n].. The truth is.. I loved you back then.. And still love you since then."

He stopped his tracks and looked up. "It's just that.. I knew Reo love you and I knew that he is a better person than me. A better person to take care of you."

The redhead walked silently as he sighed. "I can't believe I lost the one that I really wanted to have."

"[y/n].. I love you."


End. :v

Oof. Sorry. Akashi didn't become a bastard as I thought he would be. XD He did that for Reo-nee! XD

Can I request my little fluffy unicorns~? Can you give me a KnB character that is capable of being a *bastard and breaking someone's heart? Except for Akashi though. XD Thank you! ^u^

*Bastard- Word of the day. *u*

Jaa~ ♡♡


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