★Kasamatsu Yukio 2

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Eyyy I forgot who requested. Sorry xD and this is short pft. Kayyy


Kasamatsu Yukio, 12 years old; [Last Name] [Name], 7 years old

"Yu-nii!" You yelled as you spotted a certain brunette on the park. The said brunette turned to look at you and waved. "Ey [Name]-chan!" He yelled.

You happily skidded towards him and gave him a bone-crushing hug. Kasamatsu, the older lad, fell on the ground, with you still hugging his torso. "Whoa! Easy there [Name]-chan. I missed you too!" He laughed and wrapped his arms around your small figure.

"I'm sorry Yu-nii! I missed you so much." You chidded and muzzled your face into his chest. He smiled and patted your head. "Yeah me too."

Kasamatsu isn't your brother nor a cousin, he's just a friend that you met in the same park two years ago. He was your savior, your brother. You loved him so much. "Hey nii-chan?" You said, making him look at you. He hummed and caressed your [color] hair.


You flashed him a smile. "When I grow up I will marry you!" You said and giggled. Kasamatsu was taken aback, but regained his composure again.

He chuckled and ruffled your hair. His cheeks were tinted in pink as he smile at you.

"Then hurry up and grow."


This shot has only 200+ words. //crais hahahahaha lols kaybye. XD


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