★KnS: What if 3

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~You made them jealous?

Someone requested this, lol. And of course typical me, I forgot who you are again. I'm sorry! *bows*



Your teal-haired boyfriend is staring at your [color] orbs for almost two minutes now and since then, no one is speaking between the two of you.

Well, up until you broke the awkward silence. "Uhm. Why are you looking at me like that, Tetsu?"

He didn't budge, and then he sighed. "Please stop talking to [random guy], [Name]-san."

You blinked twice and tilted your head. "Uh.."

"I'm jealous [Name]-san." He blurted out.

Your eyes widened. "Seriously..?"

He nodded. You then smiled and giggled. "Oh Tetsu." You said and then gave him a tight embrace.

"You shouldn't be! I love you, okay? Remember that."

He nodded and wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your cheek. "I love you too [Name]-san."



"Ow! Daiki! Stop it! You're hurting me!" You yelled as your tan-skinned boyfriend roughly grabbed your wrist and dragged you away from people.

Finally, he let go off you. "Why are you with him, [Name]?!" He asked.

Your eyebrows furrowed as you rub your wrist. "Who?!"

"That fcking bastard who tried to grope your butt!"

"HUWAT?! Wait. Ah you mean [random guy]?" You asked.

He clicked his tongue and sighed. "Yeah. That bastard who look like a stupid shrimp!"

"Shrimp?! Anyway, he tried to grope me?!" You gasped.

Aomine looked at you with a smug look on his face. "What."

"Whatever. What are you mad about anyway?"

He sighed and dramarically ran his hand through his hair. Which looked so hot. "He just pisses me off. He tried to hit on you for God's sake!" He said.

You smiled and put a hand on his mout to shut him up. "Hush Daiki. You could've just said that you are jealous."

His cheeks burned (no pun intented HAHAHA) and swatted your hand away. "I-I am not!"

You giggled and kissed his cheek. "So now you're telling me you're a tsundere?"




"Ow!" You whined as you rub your head where your megane boyfriend had smacked.

"What was that for?!"

He clicked his tongue and gave you a glare. "I don't like you hanging out with [random guy] nanodayo."

You tilted your head and then blinked twice at him. "What."

"I'm pissed [Name]."

"Don't tell me you're jealous Shin-chan!" You giggled.

Midorima's cheeks heated up and then you squealed in delight. "Oh~! You could've just told me!" You giggled.

☆★ Kuroko no Basuke OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now