★KnS: What if 6

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~they got drunk?

BECAUSE I haven't made them drunk or whatever so ya ahahaha lol okay xD

And this is short sorry not sorry :p



It's been a while since you held a party, and boy this party drove you crazy. From your crazy friends who looked like they got out from the mental, to yourself who looked like a mother of 20 children.

"Ugh what will I ever do with y-asdhflfh!!!" You weren't able to finish your sentence when something -ah no, someone pulled your leg which made you stumble and fell down.

"Oww." You whined as you rub your butt. Hearing a soft groan, you looked over to your side and-"Eh? Tetsu!!" You shrieked when you saw the tealhead (ehem boyfriend ehem) with pink tints on his face and was lying down the ground, face flat.

While Aomine on top of him. (Wtf that escalated quickly ouo jk xD)

You freaked out, knowing that Kuroko won't take Aomine's weight. That resulted you to immediately pushing the taller guy off of Kuroko and helped the smaller one to get up.

Kuroko stirred and opened his eyes a little. "[N-name]-chan.." He mumbled. "Yeah? Can you get up?" You asked.

He nodded and tried, as in TRIED to stand alone. But unfortunately failed, good thing that you caught him with your arms. "Whoops. You okay?" You asked.

He didn't say anything but to groan again, and then he looked at you with his half lidded and pink tinted face. "[Name]-chan.."

"Have sex with me."

After that, Kuroko fell down the floor face flat again. Never in your life to make Kuroko drunk again. Please.



"Whatcha gonna do with that big fat butt ~?" You facepalmed and watched your tan skinned boyfriend dance like fuck. You sighed.

"Wiggle! Wiggle! Tenenen ten ten ten ten!!" He danced like a mad man and sang like a retarded woman.

Ohmygash you didn't know how everything turnes out like this, but you do remember having a small party for it was your birthday (pretend okai). Looking around, you saw everyone as in EVERYONE passed out on your living room and boy, you were the only sane here.

"Fuuuuckkkk meeeeeeee!!! I waannaaaa fuckkkk youuuuuu wiggle wiggleeeee!!! I love you [Name]!!!!" He yelled, which made you giggle and shake your head.

Aomine, drunk, is not that bad after all. You took your phone and decided to take a video.

Wondering what will Aomine do if he find out you posted it on Facebook. :D



You stared at the greenhead who was unconsciously muttering incoherent words while gripping his lucky item which happen to be a stuffed animal (decide kay?).

You laughed to yourself as you watch him. "... Did you know that I love [Name] so much?" He asked the stuffed animal.

Your heart fluttered. You never heard him say 'I love you' to you ever since you got together. "... Did you know that she's beautiful?"

☆★ Kuroko no Basuke OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon