☆KnS: What if 7

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What if you accidentally saw their 'that'

Sorry XD HAHAHA I really need to do this HAHAHA omg sry.



You were having a mental fight to yourself when you have reached the climax part of your story that you are writing. You don't know how and what you will write, making you sigh in frustration making you bang your head on the table.

"Ugh how am I gonna do this?" Yoy asked yourself.

"Omg yes! I'll ask Tetsu~" you said and stood up, thinking where your beloved boyfriend went.

Ah. The bathroom.

Well, being the cutie (stupid) you are, you happily skipped towards your house's bathroom and opened the (un)fortunately unlocked door and bursted inside.

"TETSUUUU!" You screamed and-

"Omg." You gasped

Kuroko flinched and stared at you wide eyes. You stared back, wide eyes too.

Well at least you tried to stare at him.

Your eyes traveled down to his-

"OMYGOSH! I'M SO SORRY!" You yelled and went out of the bathroom and ran to your bedroom. Locked the door and buried yourself in the covers of your bed.

You're shaking like you've seen somekind of ghost.

Actually. Is it worse or better than ghosts?


"Wahahahahuhuhuhu. It's so-


You blushed.

"And I th-thought y-your hair down there would be colored black." You mumbled.

"But my hair is teal.."



Well then.

"What the hell are you doing walking around without anything on but a towel wrapped around your waist?" You asked as Aomine walked in front of you naked-

Well almost. But still.

"Why? Aren't you turned on by now?" He asked, smirking down at you as he stood in front of you, tilting his head up.

You rolled your eyes and ignored him. Aomine's eye twitched. Thinking: 'no one ignores my sexiness'.

And so, Aomine thought of something on how would he make you turn your attention to him and his so called sexiness.

"Look at me [Name]." Aomine said, uhm demanded rather.

You sighed and ignored him once again. Aomine's getting patient and leaned down to you. "You won't appreciate my body?"

"It's not that I don't appreciate your oh-so-yummy body, but can't you see that I'm busy Mr.-the-only-one-who-can-beat-me-is-me?" You asked, pointing the tip of your pen on his nose.

Aomine sighed and stood straight. "Okay fine." He said. "Call me when you're don-"

"Omygosh!" You squealed.

☆★ Kuroko no Basuke OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now