★Kagami Taiga 7

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Requesteeeeeedd by Meer2207, thank you! :)

Late update as usual lmao sorry


Somewhere in US. Lol

*blag blag* (ball dribbling lmao)

You stopped walking when you heard dribbling sounds coming from a street court. Walking towards it, and peeking also, you saw a tall redhead playing basketball alone. He don't seem American to you, because of that unusual hair color and of course the skin tone, so you assumed he's foreign. Watching him play, you can't help not to be amazed, leading you to clap your hands unconsciously.

He stopped. Which made you realize what you've done. Gasping, you bowed your head. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt!" You said. He only stared at you and then scratched his nape. "No.. Uh it's fine. You... Uh play basketball?" He suddenly asked, making you stand properly.

You smiled sheepishly and then chuckled. "Yeah..... Maybe. But I love it! I mean.. I love the sport. My uncle taught me how.." You said smiling a little. He smiled too, and then pointed the ball he was holding. "Play with me?" He asked. Your smile widened and then you nodded your head. "Sure!"

"Oh.. By the way I'm Taiga Kagami." He said and held out his hand to you. "You're japanese? I'm [Name] [Last Name]." You said, in Japanese which he clearly understood because, well he is indeed japanese. He laughed. "I didn't know. Nice to meet you, [Last Name]-san." He said.

You chuckled and nodded. "Likewise." And after introducing, obviously, both of you played. And that's when all started.

    "You'll go back to Japan?" You asked as you sip on your drink. Kagami nodded and sat beside you. "Mhm. I'll study there." Replied the redhead.

"I'll wish you good luck." You said and smiled at him. He did the same and held out his closed fist. "Thanks. You too. Don't worry! I'll visit, if I have some time." He said. You only smiled and bumped your fist with him.

"I'll miss you though." You mumbled. You heard him laugh. "Wow. Cheesy."

You rolled your eyes and nudged him. "I'm serious. Take care of yourself.. Okay?" You said.

He looked at you and then raised one of his (fork)brows. "Aren't I the one who should say that to you?" He asked. You just laughed. "Just kidding."

"But seriously [Name].. Take care of yourself. Eat properly. Don't do diets, okay? You don't need it. Just eat healthy and do some proper exercise. Don't forget to drink your vitamins, and your milk before going to bed. And most importantly--"

"--Sleep early. Yes dad." You said and then chuckled. "I know that, Taiga. You always tell me that every time we see each other." You said. He sighed and ruffled your hair. "I'll miss you too..."

A year passed since the day Taiga left for Japan. You, on the other hand, had been given the opportunity to go back to your homeland to finish studies. Your parents then enrolled you to your cousin's school in Tokyo. It excites you, knowing that it has been like ten? Yes, ten years since you saw your cousin and it has been ten years since you moved to America. And also, for the fact that you might have the chance to see Taiga once again.

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