What's Meant To Be 1.1

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To say I was anxious would be an understatement

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To say I was anxious would be an understatement. I clenched and unclenched my fists as I took in my sullen reflection in the bathroom mirror. 

"Mary, hurry up I need to brush my teeth so we can be at school early!" Bella banged on the door. 

I turned the tap off and tried to wear a neutral expression, but there was no hiding the terror in my eyes. I was meant to die today. 

Wordlessly, I flung the bathroom door open and made a beeline for the beat up red Chevy that would surely go noticed by all Forks High students - including the Cullen-Hales. I had debated walking to school, but Charlie immediately shot down and then proceeded to ask a bunch of questions I couldn't answer. 

Bella entered the car, nearly smacking her forehead on the door. That was the first genuine smile I had in a while, clumsy Bella as always. The sound of the car starting caused a flock of birds to immediately scatter into the sky, not to mention, waking up the entire neighborhood.

The drive to school was less than five minutes, it's a small town. As we pull into the Forks High lot all eyes are on the red Chevy. I sink into the passenger seat as I hear Bella moan in frustration at the attention. 

"Good luck, Bells," I slide out of the truck and weave through the students not bothering to look back to see if the Cullen-Hales had noticed me. 

~ ~ ~

After school I waited by the main office for Bella, no way would I risk hanging around the attention magnet that was her Chevy. 

I spot Edward Cullen coming out of the office and immediately tense up, my breathing stops and my eyes go to the floor. He's gone within seconds, and when I look up I see Bella frowning as she stomps over to me. 

"What's up? Didn't enjoy the Forks High experience?" 

Immediately Bella composes herself, "Um no, it was fine." 

"Then what's got you looking like that?"

"It's nothing, I'm-"

I feel the need to confirm what I already know, "Bella..."

"Fine, it's stupid though. Do I smell weird?" 

I actually laugh. Between my laughter I manage to get out a, "What?" 

"Well, in Biology I sat next to Edward Cullen and I don't think he likes me very much." 

That sobers me up. 

"They don't like anyone," I glance over to the parking lot to see the Cullen-Hales' cars are already out of the lot. "Come on, let's go home." 

~ ~ ~

Charlie took Bella and I to the local diner to celebrate Bella's first day at Forks High. We got home around 6pm, and with the short days it was already dark outside. 

I decided to join Bella in her room. If I was really going to die might as well try to be a good sister. We whizzed through our homework; Bella spent most of our time together fixating on the incident with Edward Cullen. 

I could feel myself on the verge of snapping. 

"I'm going for a walk!" 

"What? At this hour?" Bella raised her eyebrows.

"I've got my pepper spray," I hold it up to prove it to her. And then I add with a whisper, "And don't tell dad, but I also have a pocket knife." 

"And it's a small town, nothing ever happens here," I tact on, realizing the irony of my situation. 

"Okay, well be safe. Take your phone with you!" Bella tosses it to me as I'm already halfway out the door.

~ ~ ~

Welp. Remember when I said I wouldn't let Edward Cullen kill me?

Here I am stood in the same forest as my nightmares, a snap of a twig sends me looking around and I hold my breath and squeeze my eyes shut.

My mind is racing; and now that I'm here I can't even comprehend how a boy of his lanky stature could kill me. My fight or flight finally kicks in and I let out a piercing scream as I make a dash towards the tree behind me. 

I'm not running for long before I crash into a tree. "Woah, slow down. Are you okay? You're Marianne Swan, the chief's daughter?" 

My eyes are squeezed shut and I am shaking so bad I can feel my brain rattling in my skull. 

The voice repeats the question, and I reluctantly feel an aura of calmness wash over me. I keep my body tense as I crack my eyes open to assess this new person, and I immediately jump back at the pale skin and golden eyes. 

"Jasper!" Another voice calls from behind us. "He's okay, he's taking Carlisle's car up to..." 

The voice trails off as the person nears me and Jasper... as in Jasper Hale, one of the Cullen's brood. I am still in a state of shock despite whatever that calming feeling is radiating around me. 

A petite figure emerges from the tree line and I instantly recognize her as Alice Cullen. I managed to escape the death at the hands of Edward Cullen only to be in a forest alone without anyone knowing my exact location with my potential murderer's siblings. 

I feel a cold hand on my shoulder which somehow intensifies the calm feeling, forcing my body to release the tension in my shoulders and hands. I glance up at Jasper, "I was supposed to die." 

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