Close Call 4.31

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Carlisle and Edward had reached a road block in their research about the fetus

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Carlisle and Edward had reached a road block in their research about the fetus. Emmett, Jasper and I opted to go pursue some of the stories and myths surrounded human-vampire conception. We traveled to South America which seemed to be the hub of information on this isolated occurrence.  

Our goal was to gather as many sources as we could: legends from locals, writings, anything that was relevant to helping Bella survive. 

Everything was a dead end, we had only been away for three days - day and night - pursuing every loose thread of information, only to have to return home empty handed and more confused than we were when we had arrived.

It was on the third night that I was hunting with Jasper and Emmett and my body went cold

This time rather than seeing anyone I was struck with a clear scene, similar to the way my 'ability' had manifested when I was human:

It was Bella laying on her back on the makeshift hospital bed. She was covered in blood, her abdomen cut open; her skin nearly translucent and covered in a film of sweat. The light in her eyes was fading. There was the distant cry of a baby.

"Mary, what's wrong?" Jasper jerks me out of the vision.

I swallow and try to speak, but no words come out. I am all consumed by one emotion: grief. 

"Emmett, let's go, we need to get back to Washington now!" I numbly allow Jasper to pull me along, as we make the trek back home. 

~ ~ ~

I am temporarily soothed when we return to a 'normal' house... well the definition of normal is pretty loose at this point in my existence - to clarify, Bella is still alive. However, I opt to stay by Bella's side constantly day and night. Rosalie doesn't pay much mind to me, however Edward is suspicious. 

I reluctantly share my vision with him knowing how it will affect him. And I clarify, "She might be able to be turned, but it's going to be close. I felt the coldness coming from her."

Edward frowns, "It can't be like that. The fetu- it... the baby is good."

"How do you know?" Jasper asks. 

"I could hear their thoughts. It... they absolutely adore Bella, they do not intend to harm her. We have less than a day until we try to deliver." 

"Tell them her baby names," Jacob snorts from the other couch. 

"If it's a boy she's decided on EJ-"

"Edward Jacob," I roll my eyes. "Okay, and for a girl?"

"Renesmee," Rosalie coos. 

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