{ Chapter 61 }

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^ Annie's Outfit (This chapter is one of my favorite chapters)

Chapter 61:

8:04 PM

I banged my head against the desk after sending my English essay.

"Finally!", I groaned against the desk.

I have been trying to keep up with my missed assignments in addition to the normal homework.

God, it has been hours!

The second I arrived to my house I started working on these. I texted Cayden a few times not gonna lie. I took short breaks in between though, don't worry.

Like what happened to we are reviewing for the tests?!

I thought teachers aren't giving huge assignments anymore. However, my English teacher had to give us a big sass essay, and me being me I need all the extra credits I can for college scholarships.

If you are wondering Annie how are you wearing this outfit in UK?!

The best feeling is to wear light clothes when you turn on the heater. Yes, I turned on the house heater. It's freezing out there, I'm telling you.

Oh, and please ignore my Calvin Klein bra. It's one of the things that Amelia bought for me magically when we were shopping for the formal dinner dress.


No one will see it anyway. Might as well wear it when I'm alone.


Plot twist, I'm not alone anymore!

Sarcasm. That was a sarcasm.

"Lexi, no", I moved her away from the window. She was excited to meet whoever just knocked. Since my window in more like a balcony door, there's no doubt it has a curtain.

Thank God the curtains were closed.

I pulled my jacket closer to me, "Why did I wear such a revealing outfit?!", I mumbled to myself before forcing a smile, "I'm sorry I don't recall ordering a pizza"

"To be honest I expected a Hello", he chuckled bobbing  his head to the side.

"And I didn't expect you to come here in the first place", I began closing the door already feeling cold.

"We'll surprise", I saw his teeth shudder as he stuck his foot on the door, "Could you please-"

"Just don't mess around", I rolled my eyes stepping aside as he sighed in relief, but I secretly felt bad because I let him stand in the freezing weather.

"Finally!", Damon sighed rubbing his shoulders, "I could've died"

"Stop being dramatic", I rolled my eyes securing the curtains.

Let's not forget the fact that he didn't enter my room. He did stick his foot, but he never came in until I said so.


I'm definitely over analyzing because of the lack of my exhaustion.

Yup. Definitely that.

"Well if you let me in from the beginning I- I thought I told you to burn this!", Damon picked up his note.

I may or may not placed this on my nightstand the second I came to my house. I think I forgot about it.

"I liked the color", I shrugged walking towards my bed as I tried too darn hard not to laugh.

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