Author's Note

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Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

I know my book 'plot' barley started, and you all were just getting the grip of the concept, but I sadly announce that I have to put this book on hold.

I know. I'm really sad, myself.

To be honest I can't contain the tears in any longer. I can't believe I'm leaving you all, but we should always look at the positive side, right? That's what Annie would do.

Let me explain the good news.

So my country declared that all all schools should be maximum four months long, and the school semester should be cut in half; meaning we won't take the whole curriculum.

That’s right. I'm not taking nine months of school. (At least that's what they said for now)

Moreover, the may or may not bring us on Saturday (Six Days a Week) and from 7:30 AM to 12:00  PM. Although I don't get why they want us to take 6 days per week. They could simply add 2 weeks to the four months, and give us 5 days a week.

For now they want to take us from Monday till Friday.


I know you're wondering if I don't have that much of school work, why will I put "Damon" on hold?

Well, as most of you could tell, I'm a senior, and I want to make as much as I can of my senior year so I can enter a good university.

The extra good news is that after school is over, which is in January, I'm going to try posting two times a week. Because guess what?



I'm excited!

What do you guys want to major in? Or if you are in college, what are you majoring in?

Back to what I was saying.

I'm trying to keep my grades up, and in order to do itjat I'm going to do some sacrifices.

So to sum up:

☑️ Good news: I'm going to try updating "Damon" twice a week after school ends. 💃🏻

❎ Bad news: I'm putting "Damon" on hold. 😢

I want all of you guys to understand and be patient.


Yes! I almost forgot!

Once this book is done, I'm doing a BIG announcement!

I bet everyone will flip when they find out.

I may be active on wattpad or Instagram (for who ever is following me there and they know themselves; please don't give away my username). That's only because I'm doing a break from studying by reading. Nerds can't live without a good book.

Just saying

(I'm kidding... #nerds_are_cool_people_too)

That’s it for this week.

It's so sad.

I can't wait to see you guys. I'm going to try replying to your comments because I'll be the last time you'll hear from me.

That doesn't mean that you can't check in me or ask me for life advices on the chat feed.

Thank you so much for supporting me and, hopefully, understanding my situation.


I don't want to say this, but I knew at some point I'll have to so...

I'll see you after four months...


Please reach out for me every now and then so I won't feel lonely. Don't expect me to reply directly because I'm turning off my wattpad notifications and the only time I'll realize someone messaged me is when i actually open wattpad.

I really wanted to update more weeks, but then I realized that I'll put you all on a cliffhanger and I don't want to torture you like this.


I'm still not 100 percent sure weather or not we will continue going to school or continue online. To be honest, I was actually updating when we had online school. We have been taking online school over a month, now. I'm sorry I didn't tell you that before.

The thing is that if we go back to online school I WILL update. I may update EVEN IN SCHOOL, but that will be once or twice a month. I'm not sure, but there is 80% chance I won't update anymore. I'm just telling you all, so you will stay up to date with the book and stay alerted on wattpad incase I did update.

It'll be so wierd not updating next week... Just saying.

So anyways, I love you ALL so SO SO MUCH!

I can't imagine reaching this point without you all 😭❤️


Thank you.

~Love, Kora


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