{ Chapter 78 }

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Chapter 78:

"I won't repeat myself", Pitch Black warned, "Either come out or we'll come to you"

We heard the sound of a gun being loaded.

"Ryder...", I looked at him terrified for him. Perhaps I can protect myself on spot, but he can't.

"Stay behind me", he sucked in a breath before pulling me in as he headed towards the alleyway, " and don't say anything"

I felt my pulse jamming against my throat unable to process the mess we were in. How could this happen...?

Pull yourself together, Annie!

"Oh look who finally showed up", I could hear the smirk off Pitch's face. I didn't see him though, as Ryder was standing between us.

"Just let us go. We don't even know you", Ryder said as I peaked counting how many men he has with him - six men.

What Ryder said confused me because the second we hear Pitch's voice, it seemed that he recognized him.

Rationally speaking, everyone knows what Pitch Black is, but no one knows who he is. Perhaps, Ryder reacted this way because he perceived him as a threat.

Or perhaps I should stop analyzing Ryder and focus on what I'm feeling especially now that Pitch is looking at me wickedly.

"Ah yes, you don't", Pitch's gaze stayed on me, "But the flattering brunette does"




I forget that we already met as 'Annie'.

My eyes filled with utter panic as I watched Ryder's puzzled yet shocked gaze darting between us but remaining on mine more.

Ryder can't know I met him because he'll have questions. Questions require explanations, and explanations require more questions, and that's just a roller coaster I don't want to go on.

I took a few breaths collecting my composure. I have to pull myself together. Plus, who will Ryder believe - me or some random dude?

Please don't answer that or I'll start doubting myself even more.

"Let us go", I hardened my glare at him as I stood beside Ryder, "We never met, so stop-"

"You dare to speak like that-", one of the men took a daring step forward and the others placed one hand over their gun before Ryder placed an arm in front of me in an attempt to shield me from whatever is to come.

"Gentlemen", the so-called villain darted his eyes between us as he gave us a sickening smile, "Now where was I? Ah, right"

"Lying never looked good on, sweetheart", Pitch taunted me striding in my direction, "You already forgot our encounter?"

My heart thrummed at the word sweetheart, but I kept reminding myself that he doesn't know me.

In a blink of an eye, Ryder was in front of me as I said, "I have no idea what you're talking about"

"No idea?", Pitch gave me then Ryder a wicked smirk, and an unsettling feeling had set in my stomach, "Maybe beating your boyfriend's guts will bring some of the memories back"

"No!", I gasped as three of his men held Ryder by his sides pulling him away from me. Ryder grunted struggling against their strength, and I pulled at his arm trying to free him from them.

"You're lucky we don't hit ladies", Pitch casually pointed out as one man held me - my back to him and facing Ryder.

I struggled against his grip before I stilled and looked him in the eye, "Well you aren't because hitting men is all I do", I jerked my head up slamming it against the man's chin making him loosen his grip.

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