Chapter 1

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Lily Potter was currently in a room filled with shouting, laughing, and crying toddlers, the noise generated was at a level that only young children could achieve. She was in heaven.

Being cooped up in that house day after day was beginning to get on her nerves. It was so bad, that taking Harry to the clinic was now considered a day out for them. Lily had been adamant with James that Harry not only be aware but comfortable with his muggle roots, hence his regular visits to this clinic.

It was too dangerous for them to appear anywhere in the magical world, so her medical options were drastically cut down. A visit to St Mungo's would probably be a death sentence for the Potters. Nothing was more important to the twenty-one-year-old mother than the safety of her family. The toddler was desperate to get down from her knee and put his recently acquired walking skills through their paces. Lily was managing to resist Harry's efforts until a little curly-haired girl approached them.

"Hello, my name is Hermione Granger. What's yours? Mother says I'm not supposed to talk to strangers so that's why I'm asking."

The girl immediately brought a smile to Lily's face, she appeared about two but acted nearer ten. "Hi Hermione, I am Lily and this young man right here is my son, Harry Potter."

Lily had to choke down her laughter as this precious small child shook her hand before kissing Harry on the cheek. Wait till she told James this story, their son had a girlfriend, and she was an older woman too. Lily was shaking her head and thinking she really needed to get out more when Harry slid off her knee and grabbed his new friend's offered hand. He called her 'Hermi' before slobbering on her cheek. The two giggling children made their way across to where the toys were located. The clinic had a small, enclosed area the children could play while waiting.

Lily couldn't take her eyes off her fifteen-month-old son and his new friend, she didn't notice the woman who'd sat beside her until she spoke. "Hi, I'm Emma Granger. The little minx who just kidnapped your boy is my daughter. It's very strange actually, she normally just sits there with her picture book while we wait to be called. The instant she spotted your son, the book lay forgotten and she was on her way over here before I could stop her."

Lily couldn't help but like the well-dressed woman who had introduced herself. She had such a friendly manner that instantly put you at ease. Lily also couldn't help noticing that Emma casually radiated the kind of style and poise that her sister Petunia would sell her soul for. "Hi, I'm Lily Potter and my son there is Harry. I agree it's strange, Harry is normally very shy of people until he gets to know them. He took to your daughter in an instant. How old is she?"

Emma gave a wry smile at that often-asked question, "My husband and I are not sure if she's two or twelve. Her birth certificate claims she turned two last month but, well you've met her."

"She does seem very old."

This had Emma chuckling. "That's probably the nicest way it's ever been put. She spends far too much time in the company of adults, playing with children her age is exactly what she needs."

Both mothers had hardly taken their eyes off their charges. They watched as Hermione chose an 'educational' toy before explaining to Harry how to operate it. Hermione was enjoying herself immensely and Harry appeared entranced by his new friend's voice and actions.

Lily and Emma were chatting away with each other while becoming captivated by watching their children play together. Lily learned that Emma was a dentist and she and her husband ran their practice. A practice that Emma was currently only working part-time at. This would continue until Hermione started nursery school after Christmas.

Lily used her usual muggle cover story that her husband was in the police and she had been training to be a teacher before becoming pregnant with Harry, thus putting a temporary halt to her career. She reckoned Emma was a good six or seven years older than her and was enjoying their chat when the receptionist called Hermione's name. As the two mothers went to collect their children, Harry began crying that he didn't want 'Hermi' to go. Only Hermione saying she would be back soon put a halt to the tears.

Standing there as the little girl held his hand and spoke would melt the hardest of hearts. "Harry don't cry. I need to go and see the nurse but I'll be right back."

Lily couldn't have taken her son away even if she wanted to, Harry sat on her knee and stared after his new friend as she walked away with her mother. His gaze never wavered from the door she had entered, a wide smile split his face when his new friend eventually came racing out the door and headed straight for him.

"Told you I won't be long."

Harry was chuckling as he jumped back down to play with 'Hermi', only to be disappointed when his mother scooped him up a few minutes later because it was his turn to see the nurse. After hearing that she was the mother of a bright healthy boy, Lily led Harry back out to find Hermione and Emma waiting on them.

"Mrs. Potter, would you and Harry like to come to our house for some tea?" Hermione couldn't wait to get all the words out and was already holding Harry's hand.

Emma could only shake her head and smile at her daughter. "Sorry to spring this on you Lily, the little madam here doesn't want to be separated from her new best friend just yet. We only live a couple hundred meters or so from the clinic. You're more than welcome to come around for a cup of something and a blether. It will give these two monsters more time to play together."

Lily thought this was a great idea but asked if she could phone her husband when they got there. "With him being in the police, there are usually search parties out looking for us if we're more than ten minutes late." She knew James would start to worry if they were late but couldn't tell Emma why not that she would understand about dark lords and a prophecy.

They had a phone fitted in the house so her parents could keep in touch, Lily loved being able to just pick up the phone, and talk to her mother about everything from babies to baking. The car crash had put a sudden and permanent halt to those calls. Lily wasn't sure whether this was a death eater ploy to draw them out of hiding but she was forced to miss her parents' funerals just in case. Her family's safety was her primary concern.

Harry wasn't ready to walk that distance yet but determined to try as he held Hermione's hand in the weak late October sunshine. Lily eventually had to place him in his buggy. He relented without a fight as Hermione now walked beside him, chatting incessantly.

Emma said what Lily was thinking, "When you look up precocious in the dictionary, one of the definitions given is 'Hermione Granger'."

The girl in question was currently telling Harry all about Halloween and how she had a witch's costume, even though she wasn't going to a party or walking around the neighborhood this evening. Harry then had a moment of clarity that almost stopped Lily's heart from beating. "Mummy, Witch!"

She thought she covered it quite well though, "No Harry, little boys can't be witches, they would be a wizard."

Harry apparently understood, "Daddy, Unca Paddy!"

"Yes love, they would be wizards too."

Emma couldn't stop smiling at how well the children were getting on with each other. Hermione usually avoided children her age and would always gravitate toward older kids. However no five or six-year-old wanted to play with a toddler, so her daughter mostly found herself on her own.

They soon arrived at the Grangers. 

Emma quickly left to put on the kettle. While Hermione quickly led Harry into the playroom, Lily was pointed in the direction of the phone


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