Chapter 44

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September the first made its way around and the whole gang descended on Kings Cross. With it being Sunday, Dudley and Luna were also there to see their friends leave for Hogwarts. It was an emotional trip for all the parents too.

Emma couldn't help but think how different things would be if they hadn't met Lily and Harry that Halloween. She and Dan would be standing here sending their little girl off alone to face the unknown, relying on the occasional letter home to keep them in touch. Instead they knew exactly what was waiting on her, including a few of the professors who were like family, and she was boarding the train with three of her best friends. They would also have Dudley staying with them to help cope with the missing children who had become such a major part of their life.

Little Jane Longbottom was in floods of tears at the sight of her big brother getting on the train without her.

Luna was also holding onto Dudley as she fought not to cry, they'd never had to say goodbye before. Dudley attempted to offer some comfort. "Never mind Luna, you'll be going with them next year."

"That doesn't make me feel any better, I'll need to leave you behind then. Why do things need to change? We've all been together forever."

"Luna, we've always known this was going to happen. I won't stop being here for you just because you go to Hogwarts."

"I've just thought of something, I'll need to spend my last year at Hogwarts on my own."

"Yeah but by that time you'll be head girl and so popular, you won't even miss us."

"Please don't ever think that Dudley, I'll always miss my friends."

She buried her face into his chest so he wouldn't see the tears she was shedding. Dudley looked away to avoid embarrassing Luna and noticed his mum was fighting the tears too. "Mum, you're going to be waiting on them at the other end when the train gets to Hogsmead."

"I know son, but you won't be there."

"Mum, I'm staying with Aunt Em and Uncle Dan and you'll be home on Friday. Luna's going to be staying tonight and we've both got St Andrews tomorrow. I'll be fine."

They were interrupted by a blond boy walking past, an old elf levitating his trunk behind him. "Come Kreature, one mustn't tarry about here. They're apparently letting anyone on to the platform now. The stench of muggles is really quite repulsive."

Luna stopped Dudley from reacting, whispering just loud enough so Draco could overhear. "Ignore him Dud. That must be that arrogant wanker Malfoy that Uncle Sirius told us about. He was right, what a tosser."

Draco was desperate to reply but his mother had now caught up with him, he had to behave himself. "Morning Sirius. On the train Draco, it will be leaving in a few moments. Remember and write."

The group's attention was then drawn to a tribe of redheads who appeared to be running even behind the fashionably late Malfoys. That didn't stop twin boys heading straight for their group.

"Mr Lupin, it's absolutely splendid to meet you, we just love your shop, Tomfoolery."

"Yes, we design and make our own pranks. They're not up to PMP standards but one day..."

Both boys were grabbed by their ears. "Fred, George, get on that train this instant. Stop bothering these good people."

Sirius had Joy in his arms and didn't even try to hide his laughter as the boys were frogmarched off. "Now you know why we made Remus the public face of Padfoot-Moony-Prancer. We don't work in Tomfoolery and don't get recognised in the street."

"You mean it wasn't because I'm the best looking marauder? You wound me Padfoot."

James was quickly shaking his head in answer. "Remus, you know if it was down to looks then I would be the public face of Prancer-Mooney-Padfoot. Isn't that right Lily love?"

"Oh and here was me thinking PMP stood for Prat-Moron-Plonker. Our kids are about to leave for one of the most important journeys of their lives, let's leave the board meetings until later."

The steam whistle resounded around platform nine and three quarters and they all waved madly at the carriage that was taking their four new first years to Hogwarts.


A/N: I am so sorry for the late update. It's been very hectic with with my exams around the corner. I would also like to thank everyone who decided to read my story, it really means alot to me.

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