Chapter 36

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Emma had never seen a house decorated and outfitted in such a short space of time, then again she'd never seen it done using magic before. Lily and James had even fixed a beautiful room for Hermione right next to Harry's. They hadn't reached the end of November yet the Potters were ready to spend their first night in their new home. The paperwork had passed really quickly and then everyone had pitched in. Maia and Xeno had even turned up though Emma tried not to laugh at the way Lily monitored any decorating Xeno did. The man seemed incapable of thinking in any less than six colours when dressing but that wasn't the worst of it, none of them matched in the slightest!

Emma thought it would feel strange having their house to themselves again but Hermione wouldn't have to go too far to find her bestist friend. The kids were currently in their new playroom, filled with toys that Sirius had bought. Emma thought it was time to make a move. "Well, we should be getting home and allow you to settle into your new home. Hermione, say goodnight to Harry and Dudley!"

It was instantly noticeable that Harry and Hermione froze at those words. Both looked toward the adults with expressions of fear on their little faces, the tears quickly followed.

Dan misread the situation and actually chuckled. "Hermione, we have to go home princess. You can see Harry and Dudley tomorrow, they only stay next door to us."

Both toddlers grabbed onto each other and shouted in a pitch that only young children appear able to achieve. It wasn't the pitch that sent shivers down the adult's backs and shattered every piece of glass in the room. It was the accidental magic released by two powerful and upset toddlers screaming 'NO' in perfect unison.

All four parents responded instantly to the state of distress their children were now in. Hermione could hardly talk for sobbing, only 'not leaving Harry James' was decipherable. Harry was, if anything, in a worse state and just kept repeating 'Hermi' over and over as he desperately clung to her.

Emma was quick on the uptake and offered the children a solution, "Hermione, do you want to stay with Harry tonight in his new house?"

The sheer relief on their little faces was heartbreaking to watch for the parents, heartbreaking in the sense that such a simple thing had gotten both of them into this state in mere seconds. Dan had to carry them both up to Harry's room, they simply refused to let go of each other. Emma followed on behind carrying Paddy, the large cuddly dog was her daughter's favourite thing and went everywhere with her since Sirius bought it for Hermione. Lily followed on with Dudley in her arms as James had his wand out repairing the room.

After putting Dudley down, Lily had to use magic to transfigure the kid's clothes. They wouldn't release one another long enough to get changed. They finally appeared to settle a little when they were tucked up in bed together, the toy Paddy lying across the bottom of the bed where their legs were too short to reach. The three adults stood and watched as the toddlers eventually calmed enough to allow sleep to take hold, Emma knew it was time for some answers.

"Don't you think you should be telling us about this magical bond our children share Lily?"

Dan wasn't sure what was happening here, he was alarmed because his wife's tone was almost accusational.

Lily nodded. "Go on down to the living room, I want to check on Dudley and get a few books for you to read. This isn't a bad thing Emma and not totally responsible for what we witnessed tonight. They haven't been apart since Halloween and we should have considered that. We knew they'd be sleeping apart now we're living in separate houses, it apparently never occurred to our kids."

James already had a bottle of wine open and glasses ready, he was anticipating this discussion and they were just waiting on Lily returning back downstairs.

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