Chapter 38

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Monday 25th August 1985 – Granger Residence, Crawley.

Emma watched on as her daughter zoomed along the track contained in the combined Potter/Granger back gardens. Hermione wore bright red shorts, a multi-coloured top and her long hair pulled back into a ponytail that trailed down her back. The most important thing for Emma though was the wide smile she wore on her face, Hermione couldn't be happier and neither could her mother.

A luminous yellow bicycle with streamers coming out the handle bar grips had superseded Hermione's beloved tricycle. There was also a custom made basket on the front since 'Paddy' liked to ride her bike too. Emma was glad Lily could do cleaning charms. The toy dog still appeared like brand new whereas the constant trips it would have needed into her washing machine over the last four years would have seen poor Paddy falling to bits by now.

As Hermione raced her two best friends around the track, Emma couldn't help but think her daughter was a picture postcard vision of what a happy child should be. It might be a touch more on the tomboy side than Emma was prepared for but then again, both her best friends were boys. The proud mother could easily while away the hours simply watching the children play and practically did so every Monday.

Neville, Luna and Susan were sitting on the swings and climbing frame that the track circled around, shouting encouragement to their friends while awaiting their turn. Each had their own bike, there just wasn't enough room on the track for the six of them to race at the same time. It was still a back garden after all, albeit a massive one!

Susan's aunt had heard about their arrangement early on from Frank and Alice and had asked to join, the kids spent every Thursday at the Bones residence.

Lily appeared with sandwiches, juice and fruit for the hungry tribe, the kids had their own picnic area beside the climbing frame. The track was a later and much welcome addition. Next summer, the 'menfolk' had promised to build the kids a treehouse up in the old oak that sat in the corner of their garden. Emma had been concerned about this until Lily explained some of the safety charms she would be placing around it, falling out the treehouse and onto a cushioning charm didn't seem so bad.

Emma sighed, "I'm really going to miss this time with the kids, I can't believe they're all starting school next week."

Lily was now standing beside her friend, both watching as a bunch of energetic kids demolished the lunch she'd just provided. "I know exactly what you mean Emma, I think all of us mothers feel the same way. Even Amelia, who wasn't expecting to find herself raising a child, has been surprised at how much she has enjoyed the children's company."

"I'm surprised how much the kids are looking forward to starting school, they're all excited and don't appear in the least apprehensive."

Lily agreed but thought she knew why. "I'm certain it's because they'll all be there together and in the same class. The six of them make up nearly a quarter of the class. Both James and I are taking the day off so we can see them attending their first day of school."

Emma planned to be there too, it was slightly easier when you were your own bosses. "Have you told McGonagall your decision yet?"

It was Lily's turn to sigh, "James owled her the bad news yesterday. Neither of us is ready to teach full time yet, us at Hogwarts a couple of days a week gives Minerva and Filius time to do the administration needed for running the school. Perhaps we'll change our minds when the kids get older, we won't be changing anything for a good few years at least."

Their husbands then joined the two wives, Dan had been closing their practice on a Monday afternoon from the moment their childcare schedule had been finalised. Watching Hermione play with her five friends was something Dan could never get enough of. The Potter and Granger parents had been determined to give their kids as normal a childhood as possible, Dan couldn't help but think they had done a good job so far.

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