Chapter 28

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Albus had decided he would be spending most of today in his office, the Prophet article had seen to that. Perhaps he should pay Peter White another visit, show the man why Albus Dumbledore should not be ridiculed. The knowledge that the paper would never have printed a derogatory word against Voldemort while he still lived really rankled, because Albus was perceived as 'light' he was classed as fair game because he wouldn't turn up in the middle of the night and kill all their families in their beds. Just another cross he had to bear with his many positions of power and responsibility. Albus also expected a confrontation with Barty at some point today, that was one confrontation he didn't want an audience for. Unfortunately for Albus, Barty brought one with him.

With Alice being released, Barty gave them the option of him accompanying them to Hogwarts in an official capacity to see if Dumbledore had a case to answer. Alice wasn't keen but when Sirius produced his mirror and she could see via James her son was not only safe but playing happily with three other children, she relented. Sirius also invited himself along to Hogwarts and had arranged to take the Longbottoms directly to Neville when they finished their business in the castle.

As Minerva led the group into the headmaster's office, Albus didn't even get time to dismiss his deputy before Frank got the ball rolling. Everyone could see how angry the man was and even Minerva had to admit he had a very good reason to be, Albus was aware this would be all over the staffroom before dinner tonight.

"Perhaps you would care to explain to us how the slip of parchment with our secret address written on it came to be in the possession of Bellatrix Lestrange? I can't believe we actually trusted you!"

Albus was stalling for time as he tried to figure out how to get out from under this axe that was now poised above his head. That idiot Severus was only supposed to have given that parchment to Tom! "It would appear from your attitude that I have already been judged by you and found guilty. Can I assume that Mrs Lestrange has been asked that question under the influence of truth serum? If so, I would be very interested in what she said."

"I'll bet you would!" Growled Sirius.

Barty could see the panic in the old man's eyes, this was totally unexpected and he thought he'd tied up all the loose ends. Barty intended to give Dumbledore enough rope to hang himself. "Under truth serum both Lestrange brothers admitted she received the parchment from none other than your boy Severus Snape. He fed them some cock-and-bull story about taking a few medical potions to young Neville. Frank and Alice have confirmed this is a load of shit. Would you care to shed some light on how he got his greasy little hands on what was a very sensitive document? The Lestrange brothers also claimed that Snape was the one who pointed Voldemort at the Dursleys as a way to draw out the Potters. He'll be facing murder charges for that as well!"

Albus was struggling to keep his composure as the blows kept coming. Barty mentioning Severus's name like that had him seriously worried, he was desperately attempting to talk his way out of this one. He was going to have to reveal some facts he didn't want to and hope that threw them off long enough for him to fix any problems.

"That slip of parchment was safely secured in my private apartment. Bearing in mind that this apartment is in the heaviest warded part of Hogwarts, you'll perhaps forgive me for thinking it was in no danger of finding its way into the hands of death eaters. Unfortunately I trusted Severus with access to my private apartment." Albus didn't actually say why Severus had access to his apartment, he just left everyone present to draw their own conclusions. "I'm truly sorry for all the harm this caused, my only defence is that he fooled me as well. We can only wait for his trial and I'm sure the truth will show that I'm a victim here to. I would also like to offer my condolences Barty, I can't imagine the pain of losing a son. How's Victoria taking it?"

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