Chapter 17

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A/N This chapter appeared to fight me tooth and nail while writing it, every sentence was a struggle. I have no explanation for this as I don't know where the story is going.


A child's cries alerted Emma and Dan that their guests had returned, both quickly headed toward the hall to greet them. Lily was barely able to keep standing yet held onto the child for dear life. James had to take a stand. "Lily, let Emma take Dudley for the moment. You need your rest."

Emma took the offered child and held him close to provide comfort, she led the group back into the living room. They all took seats and awaited news of what had happened.

James and Lily were sitting together on a sofa, he had both arms lovingly placed around his wife as he spoke to the Grangers. "I hope we can count on your help, not only now but in the years to come. I have no idea how to raise a muggle boy and I think we'll be seriously looking at the house next door when Lily recovers her strength."

Pleased as she was to hear that news, Lily had more important matters preying on her mind. "Sirius, I need to know. Please tell me and be honest."

James had hoped to have a conversation with his friend and break the news to Lily as gently as possible, he should have known better.

Sirius moved so Lily could look into his eyes and see he was telling the truth. "They used the cruciatus on her husband before killing him, obviously attempting to discover where you were. The only other thing cast on Petunia, apart from the killing curse, would appear to be a partial body bind. She was found in front of Dudley's cot, dead but otherwise untouched. Your sister must have flung herself there."

Lily was sobbing at her sister's passing but there was more than a hint of relief that Petunia wasn't tortured or sexually assaulted. She was well aware the fate females could suffer at the hands of death eaters, Lily was thankful that Petunia had at least been spared that.

Dan watched as James comforted Lily but it was to his wife holding the boy that his eyes kept returning. This probably wasn't the correct time but Dan just had to ask. "Is it really over, and are you serious about moving and needing help?"

James couldn't miss the signs of hope in the man's eyes and it convinced him even more this was the correct decision to make. "Dan, it would be unfair to raise a child without magic in a magical home. I also want Harry to be comfortable in the world that produced his mother. There is so much I need to learn and I'm hoping you can help teach me?"

Dan's eyes were now shining with unshed tears, "I think I would like that James." That was probably the understatement of his life, being asked to help raise two boys was a dream come true for both Grangers.

Lily was now quietly crying into her husband's chest as James tried to give Dan some idea of the task they faced. "Lily and Petunia were very close when they were younger, that one was magical and the other wasn't drove them apart and destroyed their relationship. I'm already determined that won't be allowed to happen with our children and we'll take all the help we can get with that task."

Emma answered for both Grangers. "You can count us in, we have a magical child and no idea of the trials we'll be facing. Knowing that we'll have your help with understanding Hermione is a fair exchange. I think we should look after Dudley tonight though, Lily looks ready to drop and probably should be in bed."

James had to agree as his wife was almost asleep as she snuggled in. "Lily's magic, along with Petunia's sacrifice, powered the ritual that saved Dudley's life. She'll be pretty weak for a day or two."

"He can sleep in our room tonight, we can dig Hermione's cot back out tomorrow."

Sirius smiled at Emma, "Could you point Remus and me in its direction? We'll have it up and ready in no time. You'll soon get used to being around people who can perform magic."

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