Chapter 37

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A/N: As most of you already guessed, there will now be small 'time jumps' in order to get the kids onto the Hogwarts Express. I intend to do this by taking snapshots of important events in the lives of this story's main characters. Each snapshot will be dated to hopefully avoid confusion. This will take a couple of chapters as the story gradually becomes more about the kids and less about their parents.


Friday 24th June 1983 - St James Park, Central London.

James and Lily were watching the three kids as they fed the park's wildlife on their way toward the park café. While Harry, Hermione and Dudley were happily feeding the ducks and trying to entice a few squirrels down from the trees, Lily was speaking quietly with her husband about a subject they'd gone over many times before. "I'm still not convinced this is a good idea, tell me again why we're doing this?"

James was trying to hide the anger he was feeling, especially since that anger wasn't directed at his wife. He was every bit as concerned about this situation as Lily was. "Because this bitch threatened to take us to court for visitation rights. Our lawyers are certain she could never take Dudley away from us but warn she has a good case for visitation. By letting her see Dudley, we should be able to head off her claim that we're denying her access to her only nephew. Personally you know I agree with you, I don't want the bitch anywhere near our family. As Dudley gets older, his opinion will count for more if we ever get taken to a muggle court. We know she's only after him for the insurance money we put in Dudley's trust fund, a judge might decide otherwise."

Lily's anger was also simmering just beneath the surface, "I hate the fact that she's related to Dudley, the very thought of him being raised in that family makes me feel ill."

James sympathised with his wife, "I know love but we have to deal with this. Whether we like it or not, she's Dudley's aunt. That's why we brought the kids to London, I don't want her even knowing where we live."

The couple were interrupted by three giggling children who had come running back over, all scraps having been consumed by the greedy ducks. Ice cream had been promised and hands were held as the family made its way to the café inside the park.

Everyone voted for sitting outside but they had no sooner sat down with their treat and juice than a strange looking woman joined their company. Marge Dursley was almost as broad as she was tall with multiple chins that would require the fingers of both hands to count. This imposing vision was dressed in a heavy tweed suit that was bursting at the seams to contain her bulk and the sweat stains were clearly visible at the armpits.

Lily couldn't help but think that, even on a beautiful summers day and this idyllic setting, Marge Dursley could blot out the sun. This feat had very little to do with her immense girth, more her dementor like ability to suck all the warmth and any scrap of happiness out of whatever environment she entered.

Marge barely allowed time for polite introductions before going straight onto the offensive. "Why was I not allowed to see my nephew yesterday on his third birthday, not to mention only being allowed to send cards or gifts through those blasted lawyers?"

Lily was quick to answer. "Yesterday, Dudley had all his friends over for his birthday, it was quite hectic. We felt you would prefer time to talk to your nephew and that wouldn't have been possible yesterday. I don't think Dudley sat down for more than two minutes all day. With the good weather, they were all outside in the garden playing games."

Marge then addressed the boy directly, "Hello Dudley, I'm your aunt Marge. You might not remember me, it's been so long since I was last allowed to see you."

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