Chapter 55

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When they reached the boys' dorm, the girls found their head of house waiting on them. That he held family size bags of popcorn was a good indication they weren't in any trouble. He also had a board with him, which intrigued them all until Sirius asked for the four mirrors. He took the four expanded mirrors and placed them flat on the board, his wand touched the centre where the four met and a click was heard. Sirius then placed the board on the wall and the sticking charm held it there.

"We designed this board specifically for you lot, that then led us to see the commercial potential from this system. Padfoot for Thumper."

Dudley appeared on the mirrors but, instead of there being four of him, the mirrors were now acting like one big screen.

"Hi Padfoot, hey guys. Got the video all set up and ready to play, the mirror stand is lined up to. Just wanted to say that was wonderful news you gave Luna Hermione, it really gave her a boost and something to aim for. I'll cover my mirror while I put it in the stand, wouldn't want you to get motion sickness."

The screen then went black as they could here Dudley laughing at his own joke, Luna's news had certainly cheered him up too. They then found themselves staring at the TV screen as Dudley got ready with the remote. Susan was busy dishing out the popcorn into bowls and passing them around as they settled down to watch the video.

The Slytherins found themselves mesmerised by this combination of using what they were told was drawings to tell a tale. They quickly got into the music to and the only slightly sour note was when they discovered the snake was a villain. Once Baloo made his appearance though, that fact was soon forgotten about.

Purebloods, and especially Slytherins, were taught you didn't show your emotions in public so the riotous laughter and singing coming from the first year dorm was always going to attract attention. There were soon loads of upper years sticking their heads in to see just what all the fuss was about. They knew their head of house had been in there earlier so whatever this was had been officially sanctioned.

By the time Sirius made it back with Minerva in tow, over half of his house was now in the dorm and staring at the movie. He'd attempted to explain the device to the headmistress but had failed miserably, watching the amazement on her face was well worth the effort of convincing Minerva to come down here.

"That screen is made up of four mirrors, we've got it up to sixteen in tests before the picture quality starts to be affected. A sixteen mirror unit would be the size of the one we're proposing to place in the great hall."

Minerva's gaze never left the screen as she spoke to her former student. "Tell me again what this can do?"


All the first years were tired after being up late last night for their astronomy class, most were at breakfast with the intention of heading back to their dorm for forty winks after they had finished eating. They all paid strict attention though when the headmistress stood and called for a moment of everyone's time.

"Last night, Professor Sirius Black asked me to accompany him to a Slytherin dorm where I witnessed something truly magical. A signal was sent from a muggle home outside London and was watched on a screen in the first year boys' dorm. It was something called a movie."

This had everyone paying close attention, especially those who knew what a movie was.

"All the equipment had been supplied by PMP and the signal was sent by the Potters' nephew from the home of Miss Granger. I understand arrangements have already been made to use this system to show a sport called football on Saturday night."

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