Chapter 23

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Barty felt as if his soul was becoming lost while staring into the smoky liquid that was swirling around in the bottom of his glass, perhaps it was just wishful thinking since he knew that becoming lost was simply not an option available to him at the moment. Barty was struggling to reconcile not only what he'd done but what he'd become, it was incredible to think that two conversations could turn your entire world on its head.

Dumbledore had started the ball rolling when he demanded a word somewhere they couldn't be overheard, they had no sooner made Barty's office when an angry Dumbledore got straight to the point. He wanted Severus Snape released into his care and all thoughts of questioning under Veritaserum dropped immediately. Barty was about to refuse this out of hand, brushing off the old man's claims that Severus was his spy, when the bombshell dropped. The words were imprinted on Barty's brain. 'When you grant this accommodation, I will support your claim that your son filled the same role for you. What? Surely you were aware that Bartemius Junior is a death eater?'

Barty wanted to punch the smirk of the old bastards face, instead he was forced to listen as Dumbledore twisted the knife. 'I will of course also support your bid for the upcoming Minister of Magic post, one must always look after their friends! I shall be here to collect my boy in the morning, that will give you a chance to have a chat with your son. After all, we'll need to get our stories straight.'

Barty couldn't even think straight, far less arrange stories to corroborate with each other. He also couldn't wait to get home and discover the truth from his son's lips, the vial of truth serum in his pocket would ensure the truth was what he got.

Barty now believed the truth to be a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with caution. No one but he could ever learn of it. His son was not just a death eater, he was a psychotic follower of the dark lord who refused to believe his master was dead. That he was eagerly anticipating taking part in his first death eater raid tonight told Barty all he needed to know. Memory charms could deal with specific events but would not handle changing someone's attitude, that took professional healers and months of work. Neither of these options were available to Barty at the moment, they weren't provided in Azkaban either. Azkaban would be where his son would be heading the instant the Wizengamot heard his tirades against everyone not a death eater.

Barty tried to console himself with the fact that his actions were not purely driven by the detrimental effect this discovery would have on his career, his son being sent to Azkaban would finish his very ill wife. He could not allow that to happen, Victoria had given him the best years of her life, she shouldn't have to spend her final months worrying about her son rotting in Azkaban. For this he was prepared to cast an unforgivable on his son, he just couldn't see any other alternative within the time constraints he was being forced to work under.

His wife would undoubtedly be broken hearted but at least it would be a clean break. Far better that than the pain associated from the realisation she had given birth to a monster. Barty would do anything to ease his wife's pain. His plan would also have the added benefit of getting him out from under Dumbledore's control, Severus Snape was going down hard!

Barty already knew how he was going to play the incident as he sat with his untouched glass of firewhisky, he needed a clear head tonight. He was expecting the floo call at any moment, then he would have the odious task of breaking the tragic news to Victoria. Only after that would he be able to drink the liquid oblivion he was currently nursing in his hand.


Tom saw the young man arrive by floo and his hand automatically reached for a glass, it was a requirement of his job to know his customers preferences. "The usual Barty?"

"Sorry Tom, can't stop tonight. Got somewhere I need to be."

Tom's wide leering grin might have looked better with a few more teeth in his mouth, though if the new teeth were white, the grin would more resemble a piano's keyboard than a mouth. "Hot date eh? Do I know the lucky girl?"

The young man shook his head as he made his way toward the muggle exit of the Leaky Cauldron. "Now Tom, you know a gentleman never tells."

The bartender was still smiling to himself about young Barty's parting quip when he heard the loud commotion emanating from the muggle side of his pub. He carefully stuck his head around the pub door to discover some young man had walked right in front of a London bus and was now under it. Even from here Tom could tell that this was a non-survivable accident, once again he was amazed that the muggles could build these machines but not charm them to avoid running into each other or anyone else. Ernie Prang could hardly see further than the end of his nose yet the knight bus had never had an accident.

Tom went back to tending his bar and would only later discover that he was the very last person to speak with Bartemius Crouch Jr. before the young man had his terrible accident.


"C'mon Roddy, the little shit isn't gonna show. Told you he didn't have the balls for a real raid, he's all talk that one."

Rodolphus could only shake his head at his wife's eagerness. "Bella dearest, content yourself. We'll get there soon enough. Just try savouring the anticipation of tonight, it will make it so much better for you when we get there."

Rabastan smiled at his sister-in-law, thinking once more that Roddy sure picked himself a wild one. "Yeah Bella, think about it. Even if the kid doesn't have what it takes, it gives the Longbottoms another target to aim at. If they're firing curses at him then it gives us a better shot at taking them down."

Bella wasn't in the mood to wait any longer. "Three Lestranges are more than a match for anything waiting for us in that house. I vote we go now and then deal with that coward Junior later."

Rodolphus only required a glance to see his wife was really on the edge, he still had to show her who was in charge though. "Easy there my lovely Bellatrix. We will allow five more minutes for our young friend to appear before we commence with tonight's operation. You can then vent your frustrations on people worthy of your ire."

Bella nodded, she would wait but only for five minutes. Her lord was supposedly gone and she wanted some answers. She also wanted someone to pay, that someone was going to be the Longbottoms.


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